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As I get an m-e, I want choose a wide angle lens for it. Additionally, I only want to get cv lens.(The price is a big problem. I can not afford lecia or zeiss lens right now).


And I heard that all of 12/5.6, 15/4.5, 21/4, 25/4 from cv have colour-shift on M9 and M9p. So I want to know whether this problem still happen to m-e. Actually, I want to buy cv 25/4 mostly and can not make the decision now for this problem.


So, I ask you guys who know something about m-e and cv for help. Any suggestion could do me a favour. Thanks a lot!

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Consider the new cv 21mm. F/1.8! Excellent reviews, especially the very detailed, comparative review by Ron Scheffler. You can always crop a 21mm. view down to a 25mm. view, but not the reverse. The best tactic with a 21mm. lens, or wider, is to jam it as close to your subject as possible, often a phony/ or not phony subject off to one side of the frame. Distortion should be no big deal, in fact a touch of drama to your image.

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Consider the new cv 21mm. F/1.8! Excellent reviews, especially the very detailed, comparative review by Ron Scheffler. You can always crop a 21mm. view down to a 25mm. view, but not the reverse. The best tactic with a 21mm. lens, or wider, is to jam it as close to your subject as possible, often a phony/ or not phony subject off to one side of the frame. Distortion should be no big deal, in fact a touch of drama to your image.


Thanks a lot!

But I just thought that one is a little too big for a lens in pocket... May I consider it when I need a 21mm one. Thanks again for your suggestion!

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If you can stretch to a used Leica 24 Elmarit-M ASPH, they are going for very good money and is a stunning lenses, not only from resolution, MTF and technical points but the rendering and ability to recreate the perception of depth. Even Erwin describes this a as a landmark lens, £3k in 2011, now half that, find me another Leica lens that has those attributes.

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The 25 CV may or may not give red edge issues on the M9 and so I wil leave others to comment on that and its solutions.


I have a monochrom and find the CV 25 P, which is awesome on film, leaves a lot to be desired in the corners on the Monochrom. Leica and Zeiss lenses are better, but on film things are much closer.


Must it be a 25? if you go for a 28 I think you will find it easier to get better quality and meet your price point.


If at all possible, a Zeiss or Leica lens will in many respects give better results on a digital M than a CV 25, unless you happen across a perfect sample. With both my 21 and 25 CVs I had to send samples back as they had serious decentering resulting in a very soft corner, or two.


If you currently own a 50 and nothing shorter, 28 is going to work nicely. If you own a 35, 28 is still very different, but 21-25 perhaps a better choice.


If you can solve the potential for red edge with the CV 25 on the M9, perhaps buy a used CV at a good price and then either keep it (if you are lucky and get a good one) or sell it on when you have saved enough for a ZM25 or Leica 24. I assure you, saving up will be worth it. My recently purchased 24 leica is miles ahead of my 25 CV on digital.

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If you can stretch to a used Leica 24 Elmarit-M ASPH, they are going for very good money and is a stunning lenses, not only from resolution, MTF and technical points but the rendering and ability to recreate the perception of depth. Even Erwin describes this a as a landmark lens, £3k in 2011, now half that, find me another Leica lens that has those attributes.


Thanks a lot!

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The 25 CV may or may not give red edge issues on the M9 and so I wil leave others to comment on that and its solutions.


I have a monochrom and find the CV 25 P, which is awesome on film, leaves a lot to be desired in the corners on the Monochrom. Leica and Zeiss lenses are better, but on film things are much closer.


Must it be a 25? if you go for a 28 I think you will find it easier to get better quality and meet your price point.


If at all possible, a Zeiss or Leica lens will in many respects give better results on a digital M than a CV 25, unless you happen across a perfect sample. With both my 21 and 25 CVs I had to send samples back as they had serious decentering resulting in a very soft corner, or two.


If you currently own a 50 and nothing shorter, 28 is going to work nicely. If you own a 35, 28 is still very different, but 21-25 perhaps a better choice.


If you can solve the potential for red edge with the CV 25 on the M9, perhaps buy a used CV at a good price and then either keep it (if you are lucky and get a good one) or sell it on when you have saved enough for a ZM25 or Leica 24. I assure you, saving up will be worth it. My recently purchased 24 leica is miles ahead of my 25 CV on digital.


Thank a lot for your kind help. And I will take your suggestions seriously.

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The Zeiss 25 Biogon is excellent both on the M9 and M240 and IMHO a whole different world from the CV25. There is a touch of red edge on the M240 but I expect this to be cured on the next FW update. It is an amazingly rectilinear lens and very useful for interiors, which it renders with no visible distortion. I have had all four of the Zeiss ZM Biogons at various times and I would have said this was my favourite. I have also had some time ago, the 24 Elmarit. Even if they were the same price (they are far from that), I would still buy the Biogon.



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