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I have just received my Digilux 2 which I bought from a retired photographer via eBay. I am really impressed with it so far and it came in with it's original box, packaging and even the plastic bags - it seems Leica users look after their equipment!


Missing though was the original prited handbook and the round lens-cap. Does anyone have a spare of either they don't require? I have already downloaded the .pdf for the handbook but an original would be nice as well as a lens cap.


Thanks Rich...

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After I lost my lens cap, which would just come off too easily and too often, I bought a 69 to 70mm step-up ring and a 70mm snap-on cap which only comes off when i want it to. You might want to do likewise.

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I can't help you regarding your missing items. However I guess the reason the round lens caps go missing is that they are seldom used. My D2, bought new when first released, has its lens hood permanently attached with its own hood cap. So, in practice, your lens should be already protected.


Enjoy your Digilux 2!

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I tried sending you a copy of the D2 instruction manual, but it's 1.5 MB and the forum limit is less than that. Send me a message with your email and I'll email you the manual if you like.


Regarding the round lens cap, probably hard to locate one these days. Try contacting Leica to see if they have any I guess.

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You can download the manual from Leica's website as a PDF.


You can order a new lens cap from a Leica dealer or if it is just for storage, you can order the lens cap for a Panasonic LC1 which is identical bar having Lumix printed on it. You can order this from panasonic's spare part website.

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