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Here some photos from my trip across USA.


All the photos with M6TTL and the film i used was HP5 and XP2




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Death Valley



Highway 1



New Mexico







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Las Vegas


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And last one in Russia, where I'm now.



Best regards

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Excellent images! What film is used in #1, and did you develop it yourself?



Thank you!


I used XP2.


I developed in one shop here in Saint Petersburg. Just 1,5 €uros per roll. If you develop B&W like HP5, 3,22 €uros per roll. Really good prices.


Профессиональная фотолаборатория


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Wonderful pictures, which, however, would greatly benefit from better scans. I am sure that the lack of contrast in some pictures, poor tonla range and massive noise was introduced by scanning and is not present on your negatives and prints. I would like to see large format prints on the wall, must be quite a sight!




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A lovely set. BTW: If you had been near the Rocky statue at the Philadelphia Museum of Art later in the day you'd have seen a long line of people waiting to pose with Rocky. Thorughout the day students from Drexel, Temple and Penn run up the stairs, shout, "Yo Adrian," and proudly strut back down - The very frist time I saw it I was amused.

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Wonderful pictures, which, however, would greatly benefit from better scans. I am sure that the lack of contrast in some pictures, poor tonla range and massive noise was introduced by scanning and is not present on your negatives and prints. I would like to see large format prints on the wall, must be quite a sight!





Thank you very much for your words. I will go soon to print the photos. I was just trying a new shop where some friends told me to go. They have told me that is one of the best in the city (Saint Petersburg) After I got the negatives and some scans to check which photos I like more, my next step will be get a nice photos.


Best regards


A lovely set. BTW: If you had been near the Rocky statue at the Philadelphia Museum of Art later in the day you'd have seen a long line of people waiting to pose with Rocky. Thorughout the day students from Drexel, Temple and Penn run up the stairs, shout, "Yo Adrian," and proudly strut back down - The very frist time I saw it I was amused.


Thank you!


Was a nice trip cause in all the places we visited, was nearly empty. No queue for Rocky, we drived in Grand Canyon without traffic, we've been nearly alone in Bryce Canyon and many other places without a problem. Was cold in some places like Chicago, but we had a lot of fun in 5 weeks.


A wonderful selection of scenes. A wide variety of subjects that are well presented. But I agree with Marcus.




Thank you for your comment.


Looks like a great trip covering a lot of territory coast to coast! There are some classics here and I also agree with Marcus that the scan process was not your friend here. These images deserve proper scanning.




Thank you.


We enjoyed a lot! We are planing to go back :)


In the photo you will see two colors, blue = car, red = plane.



Maybe one of you can help me, I'm looking for a nice scanner for my 35mm photos, I don't want to spend more than 300-500€uros, any suggestions?


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I can't help you with the scanner, but enjoyed the wonderful series of pictures.


Thank you!


I think I'll buy the Epson V500 photo. I'll scan the same photos and see the quality. In the shop where I did it, I've paid 5€uros per cd, so in 40rolls, the scanner will be paid :) and maybe the quality will be even better.


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You can also think about Plustek. If you search the forum, there is plenty of information and examples over several threads about several Plustek models.




Yes, I know about Plustek, but looks more easy to scann with the v500 o v600. You put 12frames and soon you'll have it all in the computer. I just want the scanner to check some photos and to share the photos in the forum.


Look the quality of v500


you should choose HD to see the quality :)



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I bought a Plustek 8100 scanner


Here you can see the quality :) You can compare with the photo that I put before



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