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I have had my M9-P 16 months now, and decided to sell it in order to buy the M. Seeing as I had been in Bangladesh recently a country that is so dusty, and coupled with the fact that I thought the rangefinder calibration was out, I decided to have it serviced and get a sensor clean.


My local dealer in Brisbane sent the camera and a lens to the Leica service agent in Melbourne who have taken 3 weeks to look at the camera. Imagine my surprise when the dealer called me this afternoon to confirm that I would have the camera this Friday. That was the good news! He then went on to tell me that the service agent had found 'marks' on the sensor and would be replacing it (under warranty). (I wont clean my sensor as the M9 I had before needed a sensor replacement, and to this day I am not sure if I was partly responsible...now I use the blower to get rid of any dust particles). He told me that now Leica have an official presence in Australia, some of the equipment has been upgraded at the service agent, and they are now able to replace sensors. I cannot imagine how or what marks the service agent is talking about or whether the marks are on the sensor cover glass or the sensor itself. Apparently I would not even notice the marks unless under certain lighting conditions.


So I get my camera back (in the meantime I have been thoroughly enjoying the Sony RX1) only to send it away again at some time in the future - date unknown - the dealer said that it could take months for the sensor to arrive!


Perhaps a mixed blessing? Who knows that I might have had a quicker turn around if the camera went to Solms for the sensor replacement. Even worse is that I had agreed on a price with a purchaser just this morning. Now I have to explain the issue and will probably lose the sale :(


Anyway thought the Aussies might like to know that their sensors can now be replaced locally!

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As a matter of comparison, my M9 was very recently sent to Solm (from Melbourne) as a result of dropping , with the Noctilux. :eek:

I opted to direct courier them to Solms, arriving three days later. Three weeks later my camera and lens returned after a complete rebuild including new sensor and upgrade to M9-P. Leica kept me informed of its progress through the whole procedure. I was aware of the pending Service Upgrade in Melbourne but it was just a bit late for my case. However, it is good news that it is finally 'coming south' to our territory.

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Just as an aside, I was in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago, what an absolutely wonderful place, just great!


Mark, I would have been honoured to meet up with you and shout a beer or whatever. what a pity you didn't telegraph your arrival.


Glad you enjoyed our little corner of the world.

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The service agent too has new capacity to perform more lens servicings in Australia as well, depending on the specific requirement. They told me that around half of the modern design lenses sent to them can be accommodated here.

On focus adjustment, I can report that they did this perfectly on my Summilux 35 ASPH and two Elmarit M 90's.

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