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der neue Gewinner ist../ the new winner is.....


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Hallo Gentlemen,


der Meister des Wettbewerbes Schick&Eleganz ist......... :


.......>>> azzo mit 19 Punkten <<<


Glückwunsch Ivan :)


Du hast uns ein Foto mit viel Schick & Eleganz präsentiert !

Gerne hätte ich mir mehr Teilnehmer gewünscht, aber ich freue mich besonders über die neue Teilnahme von schlemmer, azzo & telewatt :)


der 2te Platz geht an Schlemmer & mija1789

der 3te Platz geht an Suuumm55, xalo & Caryl


Ivan, als Sieger bist Du nun auch gleichzeitig der neue Organisator des nächsten Wettbewerbes.....bist Du bereit ?





Hello Gentlemen,


the master of the challenge chic&eleantly is.........:


>>> azzo with 19 points <<<


congratulation Ivan :)


you have presented a photo with a lot of chic&elegantly to us !

with pleasure I would have wished more participants, but I am glad particularly about the new participation of schlemmer, azzo & telewatt :)


the second place it begins to schlemmer & mija1789

the third place it begins to suuumm55, xalo & Caryl



Ivan, now as a winner you also are at the same time the new organizer of the next challenge.....are you ready ?

Edited by Suuumm55
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Vorab Dir, Suuumm55, ein herzliches Dankeschön für die hervorragende Organisation.


Zu Deiner Anrede, ja es hat mich auch gewundert,

dass die Expertinnen für Chic und Eleganz auch in der Abstimmung nur spärlich vertreten waren,

ihr Geschlecht dennoch hervorragend vertreten haben.


Ich bin überrascht und erfreut über mein Abschneiden und danke allen,

die mitgemacht und besonders denjenigen, die für mich gestimmt haben.


Vornehmlich an Azzo, aber auch an alle Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner

meinen herzlichen Glückwunsch.

Ich freue mich auf den nächsten Wettbewerb.



First, a big thank you to Suuumm55 for the excellent organization.


To your salutation: it also surprised me, that women, experts of chic and elegance, were only sparsely, but worthy represented.


I'm surprised and pleased with my placement and I thank all

partecipants and especially those who voted for me.


Particular congratulation to Azzo and to all the winners.

I'm curious about the next theme.


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Suuumm55, many thanks for organizing this challenge and for coming up with this interesting theme. ;)


Congratulations to Azzo and the other winners. :)


Looking forward to the next challenge.

I hope it will also result in a wide variety of interpretations.

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Hello everyone.


First of all, I wish to say thank you to all the participants and also to those from outside the competition, who took the time to view the images and to vote. I am sure, we all appreciated that.

I'd like to say, well done to Ingrid for taking the trouble to organize everything.

Thank you everyone, again.


Now, to be honest, I never set out to ''win'' this competition but only to increase some input and maybe more interest from other members.

I am humbled for the votes, so a thank you all, from me too.

I enjoyed all images and I could see that thought and time was very much put into it. Well done.


Now, for the next competition, I was thinking of something like this -


No particular subject, so it is open to your imagination with the theme being, ''A Well Composed Image''.

It could be people or any other subjects such as flowers, chairs, books, vases or anything else that comes to your mind.

Each and everyone of us will vote for those images as usual which they think, are most pleasing to their eyes.


If this is not a good idea, please let me know so that we come up with something else.


Also, if anyone who can speak both English and German and might come across this, could you kindly translate please. I and everyone else would be very grateful.


I wish you a nice day dear members. ... :)

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Translation in German by Schlemmer who has been kind enough to translate for us.

Thank you and very much obliged.

Ein Hallo an alle !


Zunächst möchte ich allen Teilnehmern danken und auch denjenigen, die nicht am Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben, sich aber die Zeit zum Anschauen der Bilder und zur Abstimmung genommen haben. Ich denke, wir alle wissen das zu schätzen.

Ich möchte Ingrid meine Anerkennung ausdrücken, dass sie die Mühe auf sich genommen hat, alles zu organisieren.

Nochmals herzlichen Dank an alle.


Nun, um ehrlich zu sein, habe ich nicht am Wettbewerb teilgenommen, um zu gewinnen, sondern um die Auswahl und den Reiz zur Teilnahme bei anderen Forumsmitgliedern zu erhöhen.


Eure Stimmen für mich haben mich beschämt, auch von mir danke an alle.

Ich habe alle Fotos genossen und ich habe gesehen, wieviele Gedanken und wieviel Zeit hineingesteckt wurden. Weiter so!


Nun, für den nächsten Wettbewerb, habe ich mir so etwas ausgedacht:

Kein bestimmtes Thema, sondern "ein gut komponiertes Bild". So könnt Ihr Eurer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen.

Es könnte Menschen oder andere Themen wie Blumen, Stühle, Bücher, Vasen oder was Euch auch immer in den Sinn kommt.

Jede und jeder von uns wird für diese Bilder wie gewohnt stimmen und diejenigen wählen, die ihren Augen die größte Freude bereiten.


Wenn das keine gute Idee ist , lasst es mich wissen, damit ich mir etwas Neues einfallen lassen kann.

Liebe Mitglieder, ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Tag.

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Now, for the next competition, I was thinking of something like this -


No particular subject, so it is open to your imagination with the theme being, ''A Well Composed Image''.

It could be people or any other subjects such as flowers, chairs, books, vases or anything else that comes to your mind.

Each and everyone of us will vote for those images as usual which they think, are most pleasing to their eyes.


If this is not a good idea, please let me know so that we come up with something else.


Also, if anyone who can speak both English and German and might come across this, could you kindly translate please. I and everyone else would be very grateful.


I wish you a nice day dear members. ... :)


I think the idea is really exciting. One should not compare apples and oranges, but why not?

I'm with you. Thank you


Auch wenn man Äpfel nicht mit Birnen vergleichen soll, finde ich die Idee total spannend. Ich bin dabei. Danke.

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good idea....

i wish azzo many interesting participants and many miraculous photos


you have fun !!!


schöne Idee.....

ich wünsche azzo viele interessante Teilnehmer und viele grossartige Fotos


Euch viel Spass !!!



Edited by Suuumm55
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I, for one, prefer a narrower topic. This is so broad it includes just about anything.




es wäre doch nett u. sportlich gewesen, erstmal dem Sieger zu gratulieren...? :)

it would have been nice and sportsmanlike to congratulate first the winner...? :)

Edited by Suuumm55
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I, for one, prefer a narrower topic. This is so broad it includes just about anything.



Oh, ok then, no problem*.



The theme/topic for the next competition shall be - '' Shoes of a Stranger ''




ps - The real problem* is that, I've no idea how to organize this competition! Anyone cares to help please? ... :D

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es wäre doch nett u. sportlich gewesen, erstmal dem Sieger zu gratulieren...? :)

it would have been nice and sportsmanlike to congratulate first the winner...? :)

You are so right. I forgot where this thread was. Congratulations to all the winners and thank the rest of you for entering


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Hello everyone,


I have the pleasure to ''manage'' the next challenge. ... :) ... :o


The Theme is, '' Shoes Of A Stranger.''

Use your imagination as we would love to see your varied interpretations.



The picture creating period will be from 22th April up to the 6th of May.

Uploading your photo period will be from 12th May up to the 20th of May.

Remember, only one picture per entrant please!


Voting for your first three preferences shall start from the 21st of May up to 30th May.

Results shall be out by the 31th of May.



Same rules like the former challenges:

The competition is open for all Leica digital cameras which are made in cooperation with other labels.

Not allowed are the: S, S1, S2, M8, M8.2, M9, M9-P, M-E, MM, M, DMR, X1 and X2.

All other digital Leicas and their Panasonic or Fuji equals can be used.


Good luck and have fun everyone and may we have a good number of participants.



PS - Can someone kindly attach this to the proper thread please, thank you. ... :)

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