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I have the dreaded white line out of the box I have read the thread "Problem with MM? White line" and followed the advice of WPalank post #26 ( thank you William).

I did some 80+ under-exposed images with the body cap on and opened the images in LR4 and pulled the exposure, shadow and white sliders to the far right the white line show only on specific range of iso/shutter speed! My results are consistent and repeatable even with different SD cards or batteries. Am I an isolated case? Please, anyone in possession of M Mono share your findings.

To check for the white line put the body cap on or (lens cap) choose iso 1250 or higher & shutter speed 250 or faster, expose and wait for the write to finish review image on camera (black image) press info and wait for the big raw histogram to show press info again for alternating blue black image you will see the white line as a black line!


The Iso /Shutter speed chart show a red zone white line is visible the green zone the white line vanishes completely! and a photo of Monochrom LCD with the white line showing as a black dotted line.

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I have just picked up my M Monochrom and cannot repeat your problem on my camera. I would consult my dealer with the problem.


Sorry for not having better news. It is a great camera though.




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Thank you, it's a fantastic camera and I don't want to part with it.

The good news your M Monochrom doesn't suffer dead pixel the idea behind the thread is

-1- If in doubt how to check for dead pixel.

-2- Some in camera noise filtering is happening at specific shutter speed that masks the dead pixel (white line) maybe someone with a dead pixel M Monochrom can help.



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Nope - it is just a damaged pixel that kills a readout line. The usual cause is cosmic radiation, reason that for instance Sony does not ship cameras by air.


The sensor can be remapped by Leica.


I hope Leica will, at some point, introduce a sensor mapping option in the firmware like various other brands like Olympus do.


As it is you will have to send the camera in.

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I just ran this test. The first image, at ISO 1250 & 1/250 showed an ugly big mark, top left, like a finger smudge. Upping the ISO to 10,000 @ 1/4,000 showed noise all over the screen. Dropping back to ISO 1250 @ 1/250, the smudge was still there, but much smaller.


Haven't noticed anything in the images ...

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Thank you All,


@ jaap

Yes you have mentioned it many times but my question is not answered why it vanishes completely? maybe I didn't explain myself clearly

i.e. iso 2500 @ 1/90 the white line shows clearly in all images taken at this setting (provided the white line falls in the shadow area).

iso 2500 @ 1/60 no white line in all images taken at this setting (provided the area is in shadow).

the on and off white line filtering (lack of better word) happens within the shaded area in the chart, like you Sir I wish the camera can remap itself! Maybe some remapping is going on in certain settings (like the green zone) .


@ Ikarus John

Try the shaded area setting in the chart ie iso2500/ @ 1/90 and iso 2500 @ 1/60 or Iso1250 @ 1/15 and iso 1250 @ 1/12 and see if it helps with the finger smudge.


@ fotograf

Yes the white line shows in the photos you can see it if the area surrounding the white line is in dark/shadow.


Anyone with white line problem willing to do the test?




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Chris, I do understand pretty well that one dead pixel means the whole row is affected therefore white line on image I do not dispute or disagree what caused its death but is it possible that same row of dead pixels to become active again. I can activate or deactivate that row of pixels at will by merely turning the shutter dial one click clockwise or anti clockwise..... just like a light switch.




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