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I've noticed a loss of contrast at the center of my images when I shoot backlit settings or objects. It usually happens under overcast skies. Obviously it's pretty irritating. I've never experienced anything like this with other lenses. It seems to work fine when it's sunny out, or at the very least the loss of contrast at the center of the image isn't detectable. Is this normal behavior for this lens? Any info would be much appreciated.



summicron35asph_8 by animalhairs, on Flickr

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I've owned three Summicron 35 ASPH lenses (don't ask) and I wouldn't describe it as susceptible to veiling flare – in fact, far from it. It will flare quite badly when pushed but usually of the big blobs of colour variety. What you describe is characteristic of the 50 Summicron on occasions and, in my experience, the 75 Summicron whenever there is strongish backlight in or near the frame. My experience of the latter is such that I'm tempted to put it down to a rogue example of the lens though it is well documented that the lens can flare in the centre when used in the close range and in the right (wrong?) sort of lighting.


If what you describe is happening quite frequently I would get it checked it out if you can.

Edited by wattsy
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I am not sure if the issues you describe are obvious on the photo you show. The whole scene doesn't seem to be very contrasty though I don't see mucch difference between the center and the other parts.


Your description reminds me of several discussions in the german forum about the 75 or 50mm Summicron:






It is not completely clear if those "washed out" center-parts are caused by interior reflections in the lens, insufficient lens-hoods or reflections from the sensor - perhaps several of those causes working together.


Perhaps a verdict by an "international jury" about these issues which seem to be limited to Summicron-lenses will come to better results than the german discussions.

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Thanks for the information and links you've provided me with thus far guys. The light has to be just right/wrong for this to happen, usually when the sky is grey, but unfortunately I live in Portland, OR, and the sky is grey quite often. I've never experienced this with any lens before, Leica or not. I've had results like this one with/without UVA filter and two different hoods. I've tried all combos, and still get this result in low contrast light. Maybe it's just this copy, but the lens definitely seems to be more temperamental than its reputation.

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Maybe it's just this copy, but the lens definitely seems to be more temperamental than its reputation.


I do think you should get it checked out if you can. The kind of overcast conditions you describe are unfortunately all too familiar to me in the UK and the 35mm Summicron just isn't one of the lenses I associate with this flare/loss of contrast when shooting in that kind of light.

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I do think you should get it checked out if you can. The kind of overcast conditions you describe are unfortunately all too familiar to me in the UK and the 35mm Summicron just isn't one of the lenses I associate with this flare/loss of contrast when shooting in that kind of light.


Thanks Ian. The lens is with the dealer now, along with a bunch of scans, and some negatives are on there way. Hopefully it will all get sorted out. I sold off my Summarit to help fund this Summicron. The Summarit never gave me a hint of trouble. The Summicron experience however has been a real disappointment. My 35mm shooting has been totally disrupted by this periodic flare issue. Having equipment you can't quite trust is a drag.

Edited by animalhairs
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