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About a week old and less than 200 frames with it, the Leica M's strap lugs have unscrewed. 1 has completely fallen off, and the other is about to. Contacted Leica NJ, and they issued me a return slip to send it to them. Be careful! Caught mine while it was falling off my shoulder

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No excuse for this, the poor design was identified when lugs fell off previous cameras. You'd have thought that Leica would have modified the design.


If I had an M I'd be constantly worried about the lugs failing, especially considering that some will be using heavier R lenses with it.

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You'd think Leica would at least put some Loktite in where there are mission critical screws. It looks like they just vibrated themselves loose


Good point. The design looks fine to me, it's the screws to worry about. And, being hidden, they'll pass QC if they start out tight, only to loosen later. +1 on the Loc-tite.


Good Luck to the OP. This has to worry Leica because the problem is not discernible with a quick inspection.



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