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...and did it rain!


MM + 50mm Summicron

Edited by rafikiphoto
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The image is great, all the embellishments do not work for me at all. A picture, is a picture, is a picture. Warts and all, sometimes horizons are not OK, sometimes we worry about color & contrast, do we actually care? If the image is great as in this case I don't think so (or at least hope). For me (personal choice) keep it simple and minimalistic, nearly like food should be.


Anyway, this is a very good photograph IMHO.

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The image is great, all the embellishments do not work for me at all. A picture, is a picture, is a picture. Warts and all, sometimes horizons are not OK, sometimes we worry about color & contrast, do we actually care? If the image is great as in this case I don't think so (or at least hope). For me (personal choice) keep it simple and minimalistic, nearly like food should be.


Anyway, this is a very good photograph IMHO.


I appreciate comments and the advice. Thank you.

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Anyway, did I tell you how much I like this photograph? Probably not, apologies. I like it a lot.


You did thanks Stephen :) But I was just about to come back to ask if you were referring just to the frame or to the toning as well because I felt the toning added to the sense of impending tempest.

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You did thanks Stephen :) But I was just about to come back to ask if you were referring just to the frame or to the toning as well because I felt the toning added to the sense of impending tempest.
TX back but for me the same image in B/W would be perfect. I like sepia tone, it reminds me of my parents, my grand uncle Len (he was a remarkable character) a whole pile of stuff but for me this photo does not need anything more than straight B/W and certainly no edge decoration.


That there is an impending storm is clear enough:D

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Like this... in fact looking at this more the storm looks more threatening than in the toned version.


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Edited by rafikiphoto
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Thank you. Yes, it is a fantastic tool and a lovely thing to own. The 50mm Summicron seems to suit it perfectly. I have a 28mm Summicron on order and will be interested to see how that compares.

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Like this... in fact looking at this more the storm looks more threatening than in the toned version.
Indeed, it is scary. One wonders how the storm will develop, the symmetry is bleak and foreboding.
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I looked at these again today and would be hard put to choose between the

toned and untoned versions, I like them both very much, they both have a

terrific mood.


While looking at them so closely I noticed some (what appears to be) sensor

dust spots in the clouds top right of frame. One might think that it would be

reasonable to assume that a brand new camera would come with a perfectly

pristine sensor, but they don't seem to. Personally I seem to spend an amazing

amount of time dotting-out little dots in my clouds.


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Like this... in fact looking at this more the storm looks more threatening than in the toned version.



I like the toned version better although the toning is a bit more than I like, but there is more seperation of the tones in that one as opposed to the second version which leaves little in the tones and the sky is a bit too dark.



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While looking at them so closely I noticed some (what appears to be) sensor dust spots in the clouds top right of frame. One might think that it would be reasonable to assume that a brand new camera would come with a perfectly pristine sensor, but they don't seem to. Personally I seem to spend an amazing amount of time dotting-out little dots in my clouds.



I noticed those too and was horrified. However I can't think what they are as all shots before and since haven't exhibited any spotting at all. I haven't had time yet to replace them with corrected shots.


Just to be sure I am going to do some tests today.

Edited by rafikiphoto
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