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Hi Gang.


Help required !


I bought an M9 2 weeks ago from a London camera store that sells used Leica amongst others. Not had much chance to play with it outside as the Weather in UK has been bad. The stores warranty says defects must be returned within 7 working days but it does have 6 months warranty. They seem pretty good so confident they will sort it but keen to know what you think.


Took it out this weekend and it is fine from wide open to 2.8 but above that you see dust specks and what looks like a streak or mark top left. There are also many uniform tiny black dots that look too perfect to be dust?


I haven't cleaned the sensor as I prefer to get that done professionally.


I read the older threads on sensor replacement but nothing with prices in.

How much is a sensor replacement currently at Solms?

Do you think this is a scratch or streak from prior cleaning?


Thanks in advance.




Picture at f16 The line on the right is just on the paper - it is the funny mark upper left corner I am scared of.


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we would need to see an image. dust spots are a common problem and are relatively easy to remove, scratch is different and a broken sensor should be covered either by the dealer or leica (as long as you haven't dropped it or there are signs of impact damage)

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My sggestion would be to clean the sensor.

I purchased a used M9 and after taking a few pics with it I noticed a LARGE scratch, or what appeard to be a large scratch running horizontally across the sensor, just about had a heart attack!, but then decided to clean the sensor, and low and behold that's all it was.

I would suggest trying this first.

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could be a bit of hair or such like on the sensor. With a full charged battery you could try using the sensor cleaning mode and have a look with a magnifying glass or loupe if you have one. I would suggest blowing out the camera chamber before opening the shutter so as not to get even more dust in

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Hi Gang.


Help required !


I bought an M9 2 weeks ago from a London camera store that sells used Leica amongst others. Not had much chance to play with it outside as the Weather in UK has been bad. The stores warranty says defects must be returned within 7 working days but it does have 6 months warranty. They seem pretty good so confident they will sort it but keen to know what you think.


Took it out this weekend and it is fine from wide open to 2.8 but above that you see dust specks and what looks like a streak or mark top left. There are also many uniform tiny black dots that look too perfect to be dust?


I haven't cleaned the sensor as I prefer to get that done professionally.


I read the older threads on sensor replacement but nothing with prices in.

How much is a sensor replacement currently at Solms?

Do you think this is a scratch or streak from prior cleaning?


Thanks in advance.




Picture at f16 The line on the right is just on the paper - it is the funny mark upper left corner I am scared of.



Does not look like a scratch to me. Not a clear direction to it.

I have always cleaned sensors myself after seeing how a salesperson did it for another customer, If you don't want to do it yourself make sure a good service person does it.

If you decide to do it yourself, there are good instructions to be found in this forum.

The advantage to learning to do it yourself is that you can clean it whenever necessary.

Here is a link to a forum post


It is important to use a fully charged battery and to open the shutter for cleaning ONLY via the specific menu item and NEVER using the B setting on the shutter dial.

Edited by archi4
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  • 4 weeks later...
Turned out it was a sensor scratch, dealer was great and sent the camera back to Germany, 3 weeks later I am happy to say the camera is back with a new sensor at no charge.


Thanks again for the advice.


Is your M9 still under warranty to be able for free of service charge?

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Does not look like a scratch to me. Not a clear direction to it.

I have always cleaned sensors myself ....


It is important to use a fully charged battery and to open the shutter for cleaning ONLY via the specific menu item and NEVER using the B setting on the shutter dial.


Could someone describe what happens, when using >>B<< für a quickie with

a rocketblower ???


Did it several times now and can´t see any negative results ...





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Could someone describe what happens, when using >>B<< für a quickie with

a rocketblower ???


Did it several times now and can´t see any negative results ...






The sensor is fully charged, so the cleaning is not efficient due to electrostatic, and may actually attract dust. Not sure if overexposing a charged sensor with light has any bad effects, but in my opinion, probably it's not such a great idea.

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That´s pefectly true, Tobey.


It´s just so, the B-setting is easier accomplished than going into the menu.

I was not wet cleaning the sensor, only FAST dust-offs which take a second or two ...


But it is true of course, a new shutter is not as convenient as studying the menu.





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I could have sworn I had contributed to this thread already, and it seemed much longer, but it could just be my memory, but has anybody been censoring it?


Anyway, the important reason not to use B is that the sensor is charged and making an exposure, so attracting dust, the sensor cleaning mode only opens the shutter.



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