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I got a chance to try out an M240 tonight, so I went out and did some street shooting for an hour or so. I went through some of the menu items and I have to say that aside from a few quirks, the camera had a very familiar feel to it.


I didn't realize that Live View was turned on, but I noticed some definite shutter lag. Bummer. Do all live view cameras have this? After I turned off live view, I was ready to get to work. I set up my Auto ISO and started shooting. The higher shutter speed limits for Auto ISO are a welcome addition for street shooting. The thumb rest felt nice, and the new LCD is a joy to use. I love the warning indications for tricky lighting situations.


Now let me tell you: the new shutter is an absolute delight and I am surprised people don't make a bigger deal out of this. For a camera that provides such a visceral experience, the new shutter needs to be tried so one can fully understand the joy it brings.


I downloaded some of the pictures I took, and did my usual minimal adjustments (some clarity around +15) and lifting the shadows a little with minimal highlight recovery. Now some of these were very tricky lighting situation since I wanted to put the camera through its paces, and so far things really don't look much different than they do with my M9.


I uploaded some snaps to flickr and I would appreciate everyone's thoughts on the files.


Leica M240 - a set on Flickr

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Agree with lct to a certain extent - but I also looked at the DPMerrill images that you have in your stream, and for the most part, even at this small size, the M240 shots had more depth and character and richer tonality than the other camera. So you can tell something even at this size.

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Sorry, I agree that the pics are really small. I uploaded everything late last night and didn't realize my export settings to flickr were so small. I will shoot more today and I will have some side by side shots with the M9 soon.


I used Lighroom and there are some shots that are definitely problematic (the one of the girl sipping a milk shake, the muscle guy, and the tattoo guy with the red neon sign behind him), but that's mainly because the red channel was close to clipping in those shots because of the neon sign and the last rays of sunshine. I will keep you guys updated on my findings and I will make sure to get some shots up in bigger sizes.

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