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I took delivery of a Monochrom today, and shot a number of images, went to import them into Lightroom 4 and the DNG files do not have a preview. I re formated the memory card and tried a few cards, with the same result. Also tried LR4 on another laptop, same thing. There is also no preview when just opening the cards on the the desk top. I'm using a MacBook Pro and all software is up to date. Once the files are imported into LR, the image can be seen. I have an M9 and have no problem, also no problem when I had an M8. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.


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What your re experiencing is normal.


OSX does not yet recognise the monochrom files. While Lightroom works with them, when you put your card in and call up the import screen you will only see the DNG file logo until you've actually imported them into Lightroom. A bit annoying but you get used to it!

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Thanks for your reply. However, when the Monochrom was first at the Leica Store Mayfair as shot a few frames on a card and, brought them home, and I don't recall having this problem. I thought that all DNG files where the same format? If this be the case, I suppose the way around it is to shoot a basic jpeg along with the DNG, to do a quick edit before importing into LR. A bit of a long winded workflow.

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Well, actually LR is a quite powerful editing program. That, along with media management, is what it's for. Why would you want to edit your images before importing them? That would seem to be a clumsy workflow!

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If you are all saying its normal I guess Apple needs to get their act together. Re LR and editing, I wasn't clear. I've used LR for many years and think it is the best thing since slice bread. Generally prior to actually importing my images, I like to take a quick look through the Import panel and just delete those images which I know are off. But I'll have to adjust my workflow for the Monochrom. Thanks

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If you need a quick way to preview Monochrom DNGs before importing into LR, as suggested by someone else previously, use Adobe Bridge; it loads up the DNGs instantly allowing you to browser through them very nicely... I've incorporated that into my workflow until Apple gets a move on these mono DNGs :)

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I know nothing about Apple products, but whenever using Lightroom or Photoshop the clear favourite to previewing images is Adobe Bridge. That is what it is for. It is much more fully featured than your desktop.



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I dont think that Apple not supporting DNG's is the problem or not as simple as that because the first day I used my MM I was seeing previews in LR before importing the files then ever since then until today I wasnt seeing them. So today I did the same thing as before same camera, card and settings etc. and out of the 20 odd shots I took I could see previews of maybe eight of them. I have checked in Finder and it couldnt preview the DNG as expected, but just now I stuck in my card and I can now see previews of only two pictures and they were not the same pictures the first time I imported them:confused: . I pulled out the card ignored the apple error msg and put the card back in and now I see all the previews???


It is certainly not an os x issue

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Please post the Lightroom version you are using. I recall that this issue have been reported. Earlier version of LR would show the previews and after certain update it would not show it anymore. I believe this has been posted also on Adobe's LR forum/feedback. LR update should fix this.


This is not an OSX/Apple issue, although it is past time for them to support the Monochrom files. I have sent an email and I got a word that support will come. No timeframe given.

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I had the same problem and it initially drove me mad.

There is nothing wrong and the problem is easily solved.


You do NOT need to wait until they are imported to see the Monochrom photographs in LR if you don't want to


When the Mono SD card icon comes up on the left side of the Lightroom import window (with all of the 'unrecognised' files in the centre window) click on it and then any subsequent internal file icons that are displayed. When you've clicked on the folder within the Mono SD card that holds the files you will see your individual photographs displayed in all of their glory :)

Edited by MarkP
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I had the same problem and it initially drove me mad.

There is nothing wrong and the problem is easily solved.


You do NOT need to wait until they are imported to see the Monochrom photographs in LR if you don't want to


When the Mono SD card icon comes up on the left side of the Lightroom import window (with all of the 'unrecognised' files in the centre window) click on it and then any subsequent internal file icons that are displayed. When you've clicked on the folder within the Mono SD card that holds the files you will see your individual photographs displayed in all of their glory :)


Yes thats it instead of choosing the Device 'M MONO' choose Files 'M MONO' and tick include subfolders then you can preview your pictures and move into the relevant folders while importing them.

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Sounds as if this is the way to do it whilst importing. Ubfortunelty I cannot test it out at the moment as I had to return my camera and lens for calibration. So if it is anLR fault (I'm using LR4.4) why if I open the SDcard on my desk top running the latest version of OSX do I see the dng icon? Seems crazy that the camera is shipped with LR and it not fully recognise the files.

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Sounds as if this is the way to do it whilst importing. Ubfortunelty I cannot test it out at the moment as I had to return my camera and lens for calibration. So if it is anLR fault (I'm using LR4.4) why if I open the SDcard on my desk top running the latest version of OSX do I see the dng icon? Seems crazy that the camera is shipped with LR and it not fully recognise the files.


You wont be able to see the DNG's for the MM natively in OSX (i.e. in Finder) because Apple havent produced a camera raw update yet to allow this. Adobe updates only allow you to see the dng's in their app's.

This could also happen vice versa, Apple brings out a raw update for a certain camera so you can see it in finder but Adobe havent brought out the update yet so cant edit it in LR or PS

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