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I am going to bin my Canon Pixma Pro 9500. It is still working but its ink consumption from the tiny cartridges is absurd. Every time I come to print from it, it seems to want one new cartridge or other (it has 10). I have just gone to print a number of passport photos for my wife to take with her to China tomorrow, for passes etc and the printer has decided it wants 4 cartridges replacing, of which I only have two in stock. The cartridges cost around £13 each. Also the Pixma 9500 is USB only and I now need an Ethernet printer, due to moving our big Powermac from my study to my wife's office, to replace her dead iMac.


The Pro-1 gets good write ups and I am being offered an ex-display but unused one at about half the price of an Epson 3890. Has anyone any experience of this printer or any opinions? It does have large ink tanks and uses a totally different ink system from previous Pixma Pros. It gets a particularly good press for its black and white printing from 5 different grey/black inks.


Any help appreciated guys.



Edited by wlaidlaw
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I have just installed mine last night to use on my MM photographs, needed to download the latest drivers which were very compact not bloatware just a driver with a util for printer maintenance. Only had time for one print, which was fast and very quiet (compared to an epson photo2100). Canon's website has lots of profiles of different papers. We will see whether these are accurate enough or I have to profile it myself. The one print that I did do I used the wrong profile so it came out dark:eek:

I will keep you updated on my progress

Remember the £100 Canon cashback ends the 31st of May

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I have just installed mine last night to use on my MM photographs, needed to download the latest drivers which were very compact not bloatware just a driver with a util for printer maintenance. Only had time for one print, which was fast and very quiet (compared to an epson photo2100). Canon's website has lots of profiles of different papers. We will see whether these are accurate enough or I have to profile it myself. The one print that I did do I used the wrong profile so it came out dark:eek:

I will keep you updated on my progress

Remember the £100 Canon cashback ends the 31st of May


It will be your ink consumption that I will be very interested to hear. It was not the ink squirted onto paper that I think was the issue with my Pixma Pro 9500 but the amount wasted on the endless cleaning. As the Pro-1 I am looking at is an ex-display machine, I would not get the £100 rebate. I will have to look into that, as it may make looking at a new machine more interesting. The carts are still quite small compared with the Epson 3880. The 3880's will be being discounted soon as the 3890 is due out. The downside of the 3880 is the wasting of black ink, changing from gloss/satin to matt.



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I can't tell you the ink levels because it doesn't work in osx 10.8. Latest drivers on canon and apples website doesn't fix it


You will soon know if the ink consumption is as high as the 9500. I used to come in to ParkCameras and they would grin and say: "Good Morning Mr. Laidlaw, Canon PGI-9 cartridges is it?"



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