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I have inherited lots of Leica Camera equipment including the Leicaflex SL2 and lots of pristine lenses and accessories dating back to the early 70's. I was hoping someone local to me in Abingdon/Oxfordshire may be able to help me establish what it's all worth..?

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Welcome, Pricey, and congratulations on your inheritance. You may already be aware that for a variety of reasons pricing information cannot be given on the forum although if you do manage to meet up with someone locally they may be able to help privately. I would recommend checking such assistance independently because the prices for Leica equipment has fluctuated wildly over the past few years owing to scarcity, the relative values of currencies, and lately the announcement of the Leica M, which is compatible with R lenses.


The most common way to assess the potential value of your gear is to scan completed lots on 'that online auction site' but this can be misleading because all-important condition can be troublesome to judge.


Another avenue, if you are able to, might be to bring the gear to Red Dot Cameras in London and ask for an assessment of the value. Red Dot might make an offer for some or all of your equipment or they might offer to sell on your behalf if that is your wish. I only mention Red Dot because I have dealt with the owners, Elaine and Ivor, for some years over a number of items and have found them to be honest, open, and reliable. (In the interest of full disclosure I have no connection to Red Dot Cameras except as a satisfied customer.) If you have a local Leica dealer with whom you deal and trust then that might be a preferable option to you.


If you wish to know more about the equipment you've inherited then there is an excellent and comprehensively detailed Wiki here that can be freely accessed through the tab at the top of the page. If you're unable to find your equipment in the Wiki the sheer wealth of knowledge and expertise that's available through the wider forum is simply staggering. I recommend some preliminary research using Wiki and the Search function prior to posing a question about gear because some members become irritated by the same question(s) being asked again and again. But I hope you don't let that put you off!:)



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