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Are there adapters available to fit R lenses on a Hasselblad digital camera? I am happy with R lenses on a digital Canon for action photos applications etc but for macro photo applications, the image quality is not as good as what I perceive I am able to get on the DMR?

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Never used medium format Hasselblad but i am certain that it will not going to work.


First registry distance is much bigger on H-blad than Leica R and second image circle of R lenses is optimised for 24x36mm negative, i.e. small, very small for MF - it would be like putting micro four/third format lenses on full frame camera.

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Generally not possible, however a custom made adapter might be made to allow working in the close range only where the image circle is larger. Then there is a problem with the design parameters of the lens not allowing for such close focus to be optimum.


I would advise the best solution is a canon body and adapter for R lenses.

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Even if you did have an adapter to fit R lens to a V Hasselblad body, you would be limited to using the rear curtain as a shutter (the flaps in front of the film magazine) which is a fixed speed.

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Hello ryee3,


For macrophotography: You might try getting a detachable lens head from a 135mm Hektor 4.5 & a focussing mount or bellows for it. Use that with an appropriate adapter for the Hasselblad or use the detachable lens head alone with a Novoflex adapter for a Hasselblad bellows.


Don't forget a 12575 lens hood. Proper lens hoods often make a big difference in macro-photography.


The 135mm Hektor 4.5 was originally designed to cover a larger format than the Leica's 24mm X 36mm.


Don't forget to stop it down for use after focussing at full aperture. You might experiment with different F stops beginning at F 11.


Best Regards,



Edited by Michael Geschlecht
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