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You apparently are providing incorrect information. Digital Photography Review and Photography blog do not list the M-240 as one of the 4 new camera added by v ersion 8.1.4.

Edited by kcnarf
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I've been using DOP for over 4 years now and I believe it's great!

The programme has evolved greatly over this time and now the functionality is in my opinion, second to none - and that includes ACR.

I used to use Capture One but DOP just works better for me.

The amount of details and clarity it can rescue for some of my images in like magic.

You don't need the module for your body/lens combination but if you do have it, it's distortion control works really well.


There again, it is French.....

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But there was no mention by DxO of their adding full compatibility of the M-240 to version 8.1.4 as claimed by terrycym.


I've installed it and when I come to add new modules, Leica M 240 appears in the lists of bodies.


This is why I've mentioned this in the 1st place - it's not announced anywhere.


Read it here 1st

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You won't get automatic distortion correction if you don't have a lens that they support via a module. The rest should be ok.

I don't have any of their supported lenses for my ME and I'm not suffering.


I believe their web site expains what you get and don't get as far as automation is concerned better.


All my Canon lenses are covered which is why I bought it in the 1st place. so for me, getting Leica support is a bonus.


Besides, I din't think you needed lens distortion correction for Leica lenses?

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According to DxO website several of the correction functions are not available yet and scheduled for April.

What puzzles me is the initial lens selection they have made to provide corrections for: the 50 AA? come on... the T-E 90/2.8???

What about other current wides (eg, the 24/3.8 or the 28/2 - or even the 21/1.4 and 24/1.4), which would be the initial candidates IMO?

I occasionally use their software for some of my Canon-originated pictures, but I'm not sure DxO know what they are doing when it comes to Leica gear...

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