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Elmarit 2.8_135 Filter size, I need some help about this lens 1969 issued,


Usually this lens have 2 major versions one that takes the Serie VII with adapter and the second that takes the E 55.

This one is looks as being a transitional lens as he has the scalloped focusing ring but the one piece telescoping hood.

The problem is that there is no thread for filter or adapter on the head ring, and I am wondering if Leica had made a lens whithout the capacity of wearing a filter !?!

And you ?

Pictures help ? (the rings we can see are parallels)

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Edited by jc_braconi
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Hello Michael,

Thanks for the head up

I post more picts to show how are the S7 and E55 mounts

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Jean Claude,


There appears to be a retaining ring missing in your lens - I don't mean the Series VII ring; the retaining ring I mean holds the lens hood in place. Compare the lens you are enquiring about with the one in your last post - both have the scalloped focusing mount and I believe both take Series VII filter. The only difference is the missing retaining ring.


The missing ring would make it more difficult if not impossible, to thread the Series VII retaining ring into place.


I believe what happened here is that, somebody replaced the original 2-part hood with the solid one and did not re-install the retaining ring. I find it hard to believe that Leica would release a lens without filter threads.





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I do indeed see threads in the lens. Maybe JC can check whether those are actually threads or just antireflection ridges.





Jan, Luigi, is that I told in the first post these rings are parallels so they'ld be antireflection ridges.

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Jan, Luigi, is that I told in the first post these rings are parallels so they'ld be antireflection ridges.


Sorry - I missed that. I still believe that this is the result of a conversion of some sort - probably done by an independent technician. I can't say why the conversion was done - maybe the original parts were damaged and replaced by whatever parts were on hand.


It is inconceivable that a lens would leave Wetzlar without filter threads. Fact remains that the original lens is missing a retaining ring - compare it with the 'complete' lens. I would not be surprised that this ring, once removed, will have two threads - one to attach it to the lens, the other one to accept the Series VII retaining ring.




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Well... tonight I played with my 2063783... similar, scalloped focusing ring, but normal two-pieces hood : I dismounted (easily) the front retaining ring, which, into its inner thread, hosts the VII ring (in my item, is marked "14161R Canada" and "VII" at the opposite)

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When this ring is removed, the hood too is easy to remove (it has the usual felt strip for friction, and no more) and of course the lens barrel has,at top, the male thread (very short - two turns about) on which the retaining ring is screwed on. (Sorry for poor quality of pic... :o quick take with M8 at 1250 1/30 handeld... usual Cron 50 with SOMKY)


I suppose your lens HAS this thread... you can try to screw in the ring removed from your "normal" Elmarit... my curiosity is...how can you remove the one piece hood (*) ? Or, better to say, how it is SECURED ? If the barrel is like mine there is no other way to secure it than the famous retaining ring... which,as must be, interferes with the first of the two pieces of the hood, avoiding its removal.


(*) ...and is it REALLY a one-piece one ? finishing is like the two-pieces...

Edited by luigi bertolotti
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BTW... about filter threads... I remember that Lager writes that some Summicron 35 were made without any filter thread... Leitz thought to standardize the two-pieces hood that can accomodate a "series" filter (12504); but market didn't appreciate... the few made this way are in the 2.461.xxx range.

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Well... tonight I played with my 2063783... similar, scalloped focusing ring, but normal two-pieces hood : I dismounted (easily) the front retaining ring, which, into its inner thread, hosts the VII ring (in my item, is marked "14161R Canada" and "VII" at the opposite)


When this ring is removed, the hood too is easy to remove (it has the usual felt strip for friction, and no more) and of course the lens barrel has,at top, the male thread (very short - two turns about) on which the retaining ring is screwed on. (Sorry for poor quality of pic... :o quick take with M8 at 1250 1/30 handeld... usual Cron 50 with SOMKY)


I suppose your lens HAS this thread... you can try to screw in the ring removed from your "normal" Elmarit... my curiosity is...how can you remove the one piece hood (*) ? Or, better to say, how it is SECURED ? If the barrel is like mine there is no other way to secure it than the famous retaining ring... which,as must be, interferes with the first of the two pieces of the hood, avoiding its removal.


(*) ...and is it REALLY a one-piece one ? finishing is like the two-pieces...


Exactly as I thought, Luigi. If I still had the lens, I would have done the same disassembly to confirm my theory. All I had to go by were my own photos of the version 1 and version 2 Elmarits.


As to other Leica lenses without filter thread - it was the second version of the 35mm f:1.4 Summilux which was 'threadless'. Series VII filters indeed fit into the 12504 lens hood. All 35mm Summicrons always had E-39 filter thread, even the ones where Leitz recommended using the 12504 hood.





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As to other Leica lenses without filter thread - it was the second version of the 35mm f:1.4 Summilux which was 'threadless'. Series VII filters indeed fit into the 12504 lens hood. All 35mm Summicrons always had E-39 filter thread, even the ones where Leitz recommended using the 12504 hood.






I have one of those Summilux.


About this Elmarit, I sold it to one of my friend last year and as is has bought an used M8 recently he was looking for a UV/IR filter to set on.

As I never used it for myself before, as many other from my collection, I had not take attention of this missing.

Now what is for sure is that it is an old Vs I as it is from 1969 and some one have made an upgrade by setting on a Vs II lens hood.

I have to get it in hands again for looking how this hood is retained.

Thanks for your time and involving.

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....I have one of those Summilux.......


I am not at all surprised that you do....;)


As to the needed part - my memory somehow tells me that I had a similar problem about 3 years ago when I needed a similar ring for the 135mm f:2.8 Elmarit. I just tried looking through my emails, as well as old invoices but, cannot find any details anymore.


I do remeber however, that I contacted Leica New Jersey - a very helpful chap Dave Elwell, who helped me many times in the past. He supplied the needed part; it came to about US$40.00.


I am quite sure that you have your own parts sources in Italy or in Solms - just wanted to help with additional information.


P.S.: Adding this a little later - I knew that I was in a similar situation before..... Just found a photo that I sent to Leica New Jersey, to identify the needed part:





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Edited by doubice
Additional information found!
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As to other Leica lenses without filter thread - it was the second version of the 35mm f:1.4 Summilux which was 'threadless'. Series VII filters indeed fit into the 12504 lens hood. All 35mm Summicrons always had E-39 filter thread, even the ones where Leitz recommended using the 12504 hood.






I never saw a Summicron "threadless", but Lager (Vol. II - lenses) does affirm that some were made so... and even depicts one in his book....

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I am not at all surprised that you do....;)


As to the needed part - my memory somehow tells me that I had a similar problem about 3 years ago when I needed a similar ring for the 135mm f:2.8 Elmarit. I just tried looking through my emails, as well as old invoices but, cannot find any details anymore.


I do remeber however, that I contacted Leica New Jersey - a very helpful chap Dave Elwell, who helped me many times in the past. He supplied the needed part; it came to about US$40.00.


I am quite sure that you have your own parts sources in Italy or in Solms - just wanted to help with additional information.


P.S.: Adding this a little later - I knew that I was in a similar situation before..... Just found a photo that I sent to Leica New Jersey, to identify the needed part:






Jan, thank you,

with your post, you really bring some light to the situation. I will ask to a Leica representative if the ring is always available.

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Luigi, I just phone to my friend and he confirms that it is a one piece, at least he cannot get a second tube pooling on the first...


I will post a pic of mine... but I am not convinced... (I would be if, with due respect to your friend, it is YOU that has the item in your hands... ;)) ... the movement of the second (top) part over the first one is FAR by being smooth... in my item, when the hood is completely retracted, I can "elongate" the long part only when the first one has reached the ring and is blocked, applying a certain force...

Edited by luigi bertolotti
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