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I photograph weddings and portrait for a living and got tired of my Canon kit, so I sold off a few things from it to help offset the cost of Leica gear. This was either a dumb move or a brilliant one. I will soon find out.


Back story: I've always wanted to try out Leica and told myself it's too expensive, just get one when I'm older, but I'm all for taking some risk and jumping in head first. So I rented an m-e from lensrentals and loved it so much that I sent it back early to go ahead and buy an m9 with a 50mm summicron. Razor sharp lens, holy moly!


Then I picked up a 35mm 1.2 Voigtlander V1 because it was a good deal and I'm glad I did. It may be larger than a comparable Leica, but I'm ok with that. 1/3 or 1/4 the cost helps out.


This week I splurged and grabbed an APO 90mm ASPH and am having a bit of trouble with focusing closer up. I guess it's time to look into the viewfinder magnifiers, or I'll just resell and pick up long glass for the Canon setup. Or maybe look into the 75mm, but that seems like an odd focal length.


As far as a normal lens' goes, the Leica seems to be perfect. IQ is much better than my 5d2 and L glass and 1/3 the size. I'm most impressed with how the camera can absorb RGB much better and those colors don't blow out as easy.


Straight out of camera results make me want to keep going out and shooting more and more. I'm putting in the time and effort to learn this new system as I find the results are very rewarding.

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Welcome to the forum, Adonnan!


A number of people report problems with focussing the 90 APO asph wide open, close up and there is suspicion that it may be a touch of back focus (although I've never noticed the problem with mine). Wide open and close up the depth of focus is thinner that the 50 f/1 Noctilux so it's important that your rangefinder is spot on and that you compensate if you focus and then recompose. I've noticed that even unconsciously swaying backwards or forwards can throw the focus out a bit.



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As far as a normal lens' goes, the Leica seems to be perfect. IQ is much better than my 5d2 and L glass and 1/3 the size. I'm most impressed with how the camera can absorb RGB much better and those colors don't blow out as easy.


I also have similar kits: M9+ Summicron and 5D2 + L primes and Leica R glasses.

I would consider the 2 kits are complementary. Most of the time I have my M9 along with me but for some portraiture in low light or moving kids the 5D2 may be more efficient and the results are often great. IMHO, we can't say Canon DSLR + L primes are bad in color rendition - at least for me.

However, I tend to see prefer the micro contrat of my Leica kit.

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