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So I understand they only made about 420 of these, but surely one of you has used one for just a little comment. Thanks.


Only 420 you say? That is why its $8500 on eBay.

I'll rush out and order one to test:rolleyes:


It would be interesting to see how it performs though...

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Ted Grant would know over on the LUF. Ted has had both the 15/2.8 and the older Schneider designed 15/3.5. There ain’t much that Dr Ted doesn’t know. But I’m sure that he would say that they’re both excellent lenses. Ted is far more interested in what was in the frame.



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You may like to consider latest Zeiss ZF.2 15mm f2.8 with Nikon mount which is easy to fit to new M via F to M adapter.


New lens should be much cheaper than Leica R 15mm f2.8 which is Schneider design, older 15mm f3.5 was Zeiss.

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The 15 is too wide for me. You might look at a 19 Elmarit 2nd version, which I own. If that is too pricey, the 1st version seems to be readily available.

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You may like to consider latest Zeiss ZF.2 15mm f2.8 with Nikon mount which is easy to fit to new M via F to M adapter.


New lens should be much cheaper than Leica R 15mm f2.8 which is Schneider design, older 15mm f3.5 was Zeiss.


Zeiss makes a 15 for the M. It's like $4500 though. Why not just stitch?

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Ted Grant would know over on the LUF. Ted has had both the 15/2.8 and the older Schneider designed 15/3.5. There ain’t much that Dr Ted doesn’t know. But I’m sure that he would say that they’re both excellent lenses. Ted is far more interested in what was in the frame.




Where is LUF? I always thought this was LUF.


Yes, but before knowing what is in the frame, it sure would be nice know ahead of time if the frame will require Cornerfix. Hence my initial question.

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Zeiss makes a 15 for the M. It's like $4500 though. Why not just stitch?


True, there is M version more compact than SLR version but new SLR version have monetary advantages.


This being R lens thread thought it may be worthwhile to mention new lens that is readily available and in similar league to elusive & expensive R counterparts.

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The WATE may be a better choice if you can get along with a slightly slower and slightly narrower angle of view. The 15mm is also huge. I shot with one years ago, but it was on the DMR.


Got one. I find the speed of 2.8 is more preferable.

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