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I am new to the forum and just got my first Leica digital M8, love it! I owned the 50mm f1.1 was use on Ricoh GXR but having off focus problem on M8. RF line up in viewfinder but the output file is off foucs? Has anyone owned the same lens experience the same problem? How to fix it?



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Welcome to the wonderful world of rangefinders. The Nokton 1.1 has very fine tolerances for error due to the very limited depth of field it has. Plus it exhibits a healthy dose of focus shift between f2 and f5.6.


First check your infinity point. You'll need a distant object, several kilometers away if possible. If the focus patch doesn't line up perfectly then the focus is out. If it's out with all your lenses (possible even if they appear to focus OK for some slower lenses) then it's the camera and you can easily adjust the infinity point with a 2mm allen key. If it's only the Nokton that's out you'll need to send it off for calibration.


If all your lenses are all good at infinity you can also test minimum focus. If this is off with your lenses then it's more complex to fix yourself. Possible (I do my own) but not for the faint hearted. Again if it's just the Nokton the it needs to be calibrated. Remember that the focus shift means you can only test the Nokton wide open for accurate focus close in. You will get back focus from f2 until the DOF hides the focus shift at about f8.



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I have try other lens has no problem!



Then it's the lens that may need calibration.

However, as suggested above, even a perfectly calibrated lens will show some degree of focus shift. How much off is the focus with the lens wide open at close distance?

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