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Of course like most of us, I got my chops on film starting seriously in the mid seventies. Rangefinders all the way until i got the SLR bug about ten years later. Was even an early adopter of auto focus (Minolta 7000) which was an absolute disaster. i was chosen in the early nineties to be seeded with the OM-4 by Olympus with lots of great lenses. really felt at home. Then Kodak offered me an early Nikon Digital camera. I saw the potential but it was unfulfilled in this early run at digital SLR. Then back to Rangefinders (always had Nikon SLR's around the house) with the discovery of Cameraquest and the Bessa R3A and a CV 40/1.4 lens (still have that lens). All I can say is wow! Then a ZI, M7, M6 and finally and M3, which for me is the pinnacle for shooting film. But all the while dabbling in digital on the side never feeling satisfied. Sony NEX 3, then 5, then Nikon D7000. (probably some others in there). Always felt like a work around or too clunky. just never met the intuitiveness of a real rangefinder. (Oh, I did try the Epson R-D1s, loved it but an APS sensor to me is always a compromise) I mean an M mount lens was meant to be fully used not just in the center.

So...I saw the M9 and Zeiss 35/28 deal for $4k and I went for it. Will always keep the M3 and the batch of Nikon's but I finally have the digital rig that fits me to a T. This rant is not meant to slight any other rig. It is only meant to share my gear road with folks.

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