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Leica M Monochrom - saving my bad exposures

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I can understand why you wouldn't bother looking at your images on the MM LCD, I would recommend at least using the LCD to look at the Histogram though.....:)


Well I usually take my camera with me wherever I go. And I often just take pictures to practice on composition and playing with diagonal lines, symmetry and framing. I'm not too worried about correct settings at all times then, and I usually always use Auto-ISO of up to 10000 or manual ISO settings at 1600/3200/6400. My default is to leave the camera with Auto-ISO enabled so that it's ready to capture images without having to worry about all the settings then and there.


I'm pretty comfortable with the MM's exposure by now and I really dont' feel the need to check the LCD or histogram at all, except in very difficult scenarios. This was not a difficult scenario since it was a very grey, flat, dull and overcast day. Just put the yellow filter on and set the EC 0 (I always shoot with EC at -1 without the yellow filter) and set my fstop to whatever I wanted then and there and totally forgot about checking the ISO setting since it should always be default to Auto up to 10000. I'm only human after all :-)

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