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Hi Everyone- I did a search and didn't see this topic listed before for the D Lux 5. I've had my camera for a little over a year and absolutely love it! But I was messing with a bunch of the settings in both the Snapshot mode and the Shutter Priority mode and really messed things up. Is there a way to reset all of my settings to the unboxing settings? Your advice is appreciated!



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Welcome to the Forum and I look fporward to seeing yo participate with comments and photos.


I think this is your answer"

1. Power on the camera and press the button on the back that's in the upper right corner -- the one you use to go between record and playback.

2. Press the Menu button.

3. Press the button directly below the menu button twice to scroll down the left column menu to the icon of a wrench.

4. Press the button directly to the right of the menu button to scroll to the right hand column of the menu.

5. Scroll down to the 5th page of that menu and continue scrolling to the Reset position. Press the button to the right of the menu button to get into the reset menu. Scroll to Yes and then press the menu button to make that selection.

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Thanks Stuny! That was exactly the help I was looking for! I just tried it and it looks to be the fix I was hoping for. I was prompted to reset for both "Paramaters" and "REC. Settings." Perhaps this is a silly question but what is the different between these two and do I want to reset them both?

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Again, I think it also resets some of the other settings, such as default white balance, and other such things, though I could be wrong. I downloaded the manual from the Leica site but I've not been able to find anything in it about this.

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