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Hi I am new to the forum. New to photography and Leica film cameras.

I happened upon a Leica R4s with a Leitz Elmarit 1:2.8/35 Lens. It is the model 3299475 with the built in hood. The issue is that the when the lens is fully zoomed with the hood out and when you slide the hood back it seems to come off track and retracts beyond normal limits. Could this effect the lens from an optical sense and is it worth being repaired or more of a nuisance? Thanks for any info.

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Hello jkildow,


Welcome to the Forum.


The number you gave is a serial number. Not a model number.


It identifies your lens as a 3d version of the 35mm F2.8 which was produced among a batch of 1,000 lenses of that type in 1984. A good lens by today's standards.


You can read more about it by clicking the "wiki" icon @ the top of this page.


Are you saying the lens hood can be pulled back further when the lens is focussed @ its closest distance than it can when the lens is focussed @ infinity?


"Zoomed" means the focal length & resultant angle of coverage have been changed: You have changed the view. "Focussed" means the place you are making sharp & clear has been changed in a view that is pretty much the same as it was before.


Best Regards,



Edited by Michael Geschlecht
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Thanks for your reply Michael. I think focussed @ infinity is what I mean. When I retract the hood with the lens in that position if feels loose and off track. Also is it supposed to rotate or be completely fixed? Thanks for your time.



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