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Viewed this Auction today in their London showroom. The Catalogue is interesting as gives details of collections being sold, principally the late George Daniels (the watchmaker) and Mr.Imran Ahmed.Proceeds from the former are going to a Educational Trust, and over £10m already raised from sale of his vintage cars. Items on Bonhams website Bonhams 1793. Estimates seem low on some pieces and high on others. To ship back to UK there are shipping charges and 35% import duty, on top of buyers premium. I guess ok for few top items - but anyone living in HK or that area could pick up a good item at fair price. Worth a look.

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As you say, the estimates are very disparated... there is an Apo Telyt 135 3,4 at a very low base price, and some common body in the "too high" range... there are also a pair of discription errors (a IIf is quoted as IIIf and a 135 as a 35).

Besides this, in comparision with the detailed description we are accustomed at Westlicht, there seem to be a certain lack of infos on the items.


Anyway, I was stunned that they sold a 250cc Benelli GP of 1959 at 74.300 £....

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