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I know what you mean. I bought the M9 due to the small size in combination with the lense coupled to a full size sensor. I thought it would fill a gap where I didn't take my Canon MKIII and lenses very often due to the excessive size. I kept the Canon kit to keep using for high iso and and action work After 3 months with the M9 I never used the Canon kit so I sold it all. I just enjoy the entire photographic experience of shoothing with the M9 and found the issue of high iso and action shots of much less importance to me at this point.

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Hey, man, they say love is sweeter the second time around.


The thing with Leica Ms, and I guess I can only speak based on my stint with my M9, is that you can't write it off based on a few complaints. You're buying into a philosophy that goes beyond just bagging that image. Conversely, one can't justify a Leica purchase based on a single feature. Focus on just one, like image quality, and you get all kinds of argument that blah blah blah you can't tell with a 16x20 or that a NEX7 can go head to head with a Leica sensor. But when one starts to talk about the totality of the experience, that's when it becomes almost unassailable, warts and all.


I can't say I told you so because I don't recall reading that post. So this may have to do...


"What were you thinking"? :D


Welcome back :)

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Glad you are back, Platel !


I guess there are pros and cons with any system, and we have to learn to live with the subjective shortfalls of each.


I ditched a d3x because I wasnt happy with the way 35 and 50mm F mount lenses rendered images, and began to dislike digital, so the only camera I now use is an M6 with a 35 lux. The difference is obviously like night and day. With the M6 I have re-learned how to photograph, and now my shots are far better and more meaningful than those with the d3x


I can live with the drawbacks, and although I may buy a secondary (perhaps non-leica) camera one day, I shall always own a film M and leica lenses

Edited by andyedward
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been there, done it, back!


I have an M9 and proud new owner of a M6


Don't wait too long to get a M9, the prices won't change much now over the next few years and you have to calculate lost shots per week as a cost to you


Film is great fun, very relaxing, and still capable of good results, but IMHO it can't substitute in most situations for digital.

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I agree with your OP and would add that there is nothing perfect about the M system but, it sure is nice.


Also, I don't think you made a mistake. You got a good price for your M9 and lenses and you experienced first hand another system. Now you can appreciate and understand both systems.


Welcome back. :)

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I know what you mean. I bought the M9 due to the small size in combination with the lense coupled to a full size sensor. I thought it would fill a gap where I didn't take my Canon MKIII and lenses very often due to the excessive size. I kept the Canon kit to keep using for high iso and and action work After 3 months with the M9 I never used the Canon kit so I sold it all. I just enjoy the entire photographic experience of shoothing with the M9 and found the issue of high iso and action shots of much less importance to me at this point.

Know what you mean. I have my M9 for over a year. My Nikon gear (D300, Nikkor 17-55 and Nikkor 70-200) hasn't seen much light during these months. Only in (a very few) special cases I had to fall back to the Nikon. Hell, I make more photos with my iPhone :)

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Know what you mean. I have my M9 for over a year. My Nikon gear (D300, Nikkor 17-55 and Nikkor 70-200) hasn't seen much light during these months. Only in (a very few) special cases I had to fall back to the Nikon. Hell, I make more photos with my iPhone :)


I too neglected my Nikon gear for a couple of years with my M9, but about a year ago I bought a slightly battered 200mm f/2 VR (first version) at a good price and recently the newer 2x Nikon teleconverter. We also moved house in June.


So I dug out my monopod and have enjoyed taking shots at 400mm around our new large garden of wildlife and flowers with the D700. This kit is fun to use but a tad heavier than the M9 though...


When we go to Noosa (Queensland Sunshine Coast) over Christmas I will just take the M9, WATE, 35 Summarit, 50 Summilux pre-ASPH and 90 Macro-Elmar.

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welcome back and enjoy!

I told you so :D


Here is a (meant to be light-hearted) summary of the discussion so far.


Threads that feature the phrase "I love Leica but...." will always come back to bite you ;)


The M9 (and every other M) still has the same strengths and weaknesses and so do dSLRs and the compacts etc too.


I would add that I again took the opportunity to look at your work on your website and admired and enjoyed the studio work especially. Your Canon dSLR remains an excellent choice and very suitable tool.


I hope the money side worked out OK when you sold your M9 and lenses but you now have to buy back in of course. Leica M lens prices and availability didn't improve while you were away ;)

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You know what, you nailed it on the head and confirmed something for me.


I've really never been fussed about cameras. It's just the resulting pictures I've cared about, always opting for greatest image quality. I stumbled onto the M9 in a round about way really. I wanted to buy my wife a compact with the greatest image quality so I bought her the X1. i was so bowled over by it's picture quality that I looked further into Leica and discovered the S2 and M9. I already have a P65 and Blad so I invested in an M9 outfit and my life really did change.


I have never enjoyed using a camera more than I have using the Leica M9. The feeling it gives you when using it and the wonder when looking at the images is not something I've ever experienced before with any other camera system, except maybe for 10x8 Deardorff but that's another expensive and messy story altogether! I've just never cared about the cameras I was using before but this one makes me want to shoot for the sake of it. It really does inspire me to want to take pictures. The best part is that IQ is just so good that barely use my Medium Format anymore either.

Edited by Paul J
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I keep my Nikons to do what Leica can not do, sports, quick action, close work on the fly, tele stuff without dragging my viso around, bad weather or wet weather, need a zoom lens to keep up with things.


I am trying to rationalize a three lens kit because this is all a travel photographer should use or risk being a pack horse.

35 50 90 or 35 50 75 28 50 90 28 50 75. Probably is no magic bullet. But I think back to the years I had my very first camera, 35 Waltz Envoy with a 50 2.0 Nikkor permanently attached. I did some nice pics with it.

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Great post OP. You know I was at a Photoshop class last week since I need all the help I can get with my digital darkroom. The instructor asked each student what camera they used and of course he zoomed in on my comment and asked what it cost, etc.


Then he asked for examples to be shown around. Since I have only began printing in March/April of this year, I was reluctant. He liked my composition, but said my first attempts at printing were too red to his eyes. I had not calibrated much back then. I thought I was in for a bad review especially since I had an expensive $5k setup (I lied as he did not know the prices for M9+lenses).


Well, he said that many other pros who had their work prominently displayed on the walls in the hallways of this Photo Center had flat, boring images and that each student should pay attention to the 3D color depth my images had and admitted he not seen such depth in any of his classes before period. He has been involved with Photoshop for about 20 years.


Then his assistant said he went on a one day Leica photo shoot last winter when the Leica Akademie came to town and to this day he can tell which of his shots were made with the M9 and which made with his Nikon 800. And then he told the class he preferred the M9 images over his D800.


I was about ready to get a D800 and some long lenses for wildlife shooting, but have decided I will wait and see if the new M with long R lenses can work for me. Why get a whole new system to lug around if I can use M and R lenses. Frankly, for the few long lens trips I might make in the next 5 years I can not at this time justify a Nikon system. I went so far as to buy the 24-70/2.8 and 70-200/2.8 latest and greatest lenses, but thank gosh the bodies have been hard to come by.



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Be careful with that film camera. Before you know it you'll have another and will baulk at the idea of digital. Try some Portra 160 and Porta 400 in there. ;)



Film is what's making me question my own M9 ownership. The proceeds would buy me a 50 cron AND a Mamiya 6 + lens and loads of film.

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