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Buongiorno a tutti,

qualcuno mi può aiutare, vorrei riuscire ad utilizzare il 35mm f/1,4 che uso sulla M6 anche con la M9, ma leggevo in una tabella trovata in rete che questo obiettivo non è compatibile con uno similare a 6-bit.


Al momento non riesco ad utilizzare il telemetro per la corretta messa a fuoco.


Grazie mille in anticipo a tutti.



Hello everyone,

anyone can help me, I would be able to use the 35mm f / 1.4 I use on M6 also with the M9, but I read in a table found on the net that this lens is not compatible with a similar 6-bit.


At the moment I can not use the rangefinder for the correct focus.


Thank you in advance to all.


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Even without a 6-bit coding this lens should work well. Any M-lens should be able to focus on the M9. The 6-bit coding is only used for post processing by the camera (e.g. correcting magenta corners), not for focussing.

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It works fine, just select a 35mm 1.4 setting manually. I don't have my M9 with me now, I will tell you later which setting I use. The lens has a rather classic rendering, which version did you get, m.c. or s.c.? Have fun with it anyway.

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I have DIY added the 6 bit code to my copy of the lens. It is very easily done with a template downloaded online. My lens has a grove in the flange all the way around so I have added the black paint marks in there and they shouldn't come off. Took about five minutes and the camera recognises the lens every time.



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I also have the M9 and the VC 1.4/35 MC. It is a good team and the lens is fantastic for that price. Although I own a 35 mm Summilux I have not sold the Voigtlaender.

If you like to see some sample pics visit my flickr account and search for the graveyard (Friedhof) pics. I think all of them were made with M9 and VC 1.4/35.




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  • 3 months later...
Vero, ma il problema è che l'ottica è un Voigtlander 35mm f / 1,4 e non Leica.


Hai qualche indicazione in merito?

Grazie mille per l'attenzione.



True, but the problem is that the lens is a Voigtlander 35mm f / 1.4 and Leica.


Do you have any indication about?

Thank you for your attention.

Non c'è nessun problema utilizzare il Voigt 35mm/F:1.4 sul M9.

Ho comprato quest'ottica da fotoamatore in Lucca e funziona molto bene.

Bisogna regolare l'ottica sul corpo dello M9 a: 35mm/F:1.4.

Almeno, per me, funziona.


Christian Tual


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