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Hey everyone,


I'd really appreciate a bit of community help here. I think there's something wrong with my lens. The first shot is shot at f/2, and second at f/4, both about 2m from the text book. Both were shot on an M7, auto exposure. The f/2 shot looks pretty bad - any ideas what might be wrong/ what to do?


Thanks guys.

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Try a new setup and add a ruler in the center of your motif. If you focus

on a specific number/ mark of the ruler you can judge back- or frontfocus better.


The second shot looks o. k. to me. The first one as well - well, almost. You hit the

marks on the cushionsurface alright.


Did you use a tripod and focused carefully enough ?

With a 1.25 magnifer i. e. you would enhance the precision

of the system ...


A great set of photos on your blog, BTW.





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Looks out of focus too me. The depth of field at f4 is masking the problem. I would shoot a fence at 45 deg and mark the post I focused on with a ribbon. A yardstick works well for checking close focus. Again 45 deg - focus on the 18inch mark.


Confirm it is out if cal and send it for repair


Good luck

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There is also heavy vignetting, but this may be normal wide open.


Since the lens seems to perform well at f4 there may be nothing wrong with it, but of course the focusing may need adjustment if it is an older lens. Leica charges somewhat in excess of Euro 100 for this as I recall.


I note you use an M7 (wonderful camera) but of course if you know someone with a digital M testing out and looking for problems will be much easier.

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I attach two images where you can see how you better can evaluate the lens. First shot is a test-image from Solms, after they have adjusted my Summilux. Second image shows how I do this in a simple way (this is a 1:1 crop). It is very important that the camera is in parallel with the test image and of course on a tripod. You should at least take 6 shots to get a reliable evaluation (dependent on your eyes).



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