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I'm looking to get a 90mm M lens soon, and was hoping to take straw poll on the forum of what works well, is the cron worth the extra, etc, etc.


Which would you get?


1. Elmarit 90mm

2. Cron 90mm pre-asph

3. Wait a bit for Cron 90mm apo asph


I'm leaning toward the Elmarit for its more compact size, but also like to shoot quite a bit in lower light so would benefit from the extra stop. Argh, decisions, decisions.


Any advice most gratefully received.



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If you must have the best quality at f/2, there is no alternative to the APO ASPH.


If you must have f/2 but can't afford the APO ASPH, get the pre-asph.


If you can do without f/2, the Elmarit-M (not the Elmarit or Tele-Elmarit) is a great lens - and there's nothing wrong with the Summarit (which is only half a stop slower than the Summicron).

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This depends very much on your budget. I just recently got a well used but nice Summicron 2,0/90 from the early 1970s for less than 300 Euros. The Apo-version is for sure much nicer in every respect, just a little more costly...

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the apo-summicron is ridiculously good! but buyers beware, with the new 50 apo-cron, there may be a FLE version of this lens in the, not too distant, future. but honestly though, i dont know what they can improve. the lens is already a beast to begin with.

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Elmarit-M 90 F2,8 - no more available but good user items aren't rare (I bought mine this way) - an excellent lens in any sense... just a bit heavy compared to my previous (and obviously NOT sold... :cool:) Tele Elmarit "nano".


Probably the Summarit 90 is as good... but I have the 75, optically superb, which after 4 years has developed some mechanical looseness... and the 90, I think, has the same build.

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Sure it is ... but then, so is the Summarit-M 90 mm. Strange how this one consistently (but for no good reason) drops off everyone's radar.


I agree. I own all Summarits but the 90. All great lenses.


I was in the shop to ask for a Summarit, but the clerk offered me the Elmarit-M I eventually bought.

The price was too attractive :)


Nontheless you are right when you write that too many friends do not take into consideration Summarits.

I think that one can underrate Summarits only if one has never used one or if one reads too many reviews instead of judging with it's ownd mind.



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Elmarit-M 90 F2,8 - no more available but good user items aren't rare (I bought mine this way) - an excellent lens in any sense... just a bit heavy compared to my previous (and obviously NOT sold... :cool:) Tele Elmarit "nano".


Probably the Summarit 90 is as good... but I have the 75, optically superb, which after 4 years has developed some mechanical looseness... and the 90, I think, has the same build.


Dear Luigi,

the problem is related to the kind of grease used to lubricare the helicoid.

Too thin.

If you have your lens re-lubricated with a proper grease, it will work great for years


The same lubrication problem affects 50 Summilux ASPH.


New lube = new life.




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Dear Luigi,

the problem is related to the kind of grease used to lubricare the helicoid.

Too thin.

If you have your lens re-lubricated with a proper grease, it will work great for years


The same lubrication problem affects 50 Summilux ASPH.


New lube = new life.





Hum... in my item the looseness doesn't seem tied to focus helicoid... is the front assembly that tends to have an axial play... if you catch the front (for instance, by the f stop ring) you "feel" that you can move it a pair of millimetres onwards... this, at the moment, hasn't any practical consequence, but it seems to became more significant and I fear that if I point the lens downards (indeed, not a frequent posture) the front assembly could move and defocus (the play is sufficient to cause defocus : I did verify). Thanks anyway for your tip.

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There's something about the last Elmarit besides the geat optics. It's actually a beauty in the purest Bauhaus tradition, a simple cylinder, goes graphically great with the M. Handles well, too, and can fit in a jeans pocket. Just the hood can be a bit wobbly when extended and will easily telescope, as such not a very good mechanical protection (perhaps my 2nd hand copy?). Lastly, it has the 46mm filter thread (like the Summarit); compare to your other lenses if you want to use the same filter (e.g. colored for b&w). The Summicrons are 55mm. Feel more bulky, too.


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