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i dont think the image quality will compete with dmd against m240, because the difference of ccd and cmos and 16 bit dmr file, few days back i compare sony a77 with my leica dmr, believe me there is no comparision in image quality, iused epson 4900 printer, the reality and quality i get from dmr,

any comments plz.

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You're right.


There will be no comparison between the M and a DMR. The M will beat the DMR out of the park.

True. However, I agree with Charlie that the actual prints might look different rather than better. We are talking about the limits of the viewing capacity of the human eye and brain here.
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Based on Leica's past performance I strongly suspect the M240 will be better than the DMR, but we'll see. I urge you to keep an open mind.


Some people say that the DMR made better photos than the newer M8/M9 :) And we have to wait for actual results and then find out about the shortcomings. It is new technology for Leica which has often (always?) meant unexpected negative surprises. Wait for 2014.

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If the DMR was as many megapixels as the new M, the DMR would probably produce better images in the 100iso to 200 iso range. Over the past few years I started shooting the DMR on a tripod using a nodal point mount and vertical stiches to produce very big files. The detail in these big files, plus the colour quality far surpasses the 36mpx D800E that I just acquired.


I also own a M8 and when I want really good colour, such as portraits, or even the family Christmas pictures, I use the DMR over the M8.


Sheikhrafiq79 has a valid point in that the DMR surpasses the current crop of DSLRs when it is used within its limits, including iso and print sizes. Some of this DMR quality may also be related to the close cooperation between Kodak and Leica. I am sure Kodak has a very good understanding about creating good colour and Leica, getting that good colour onto the sensor plane.


The current RAW processors just took a huge leap in quality when it comes to the de-bayer algorithm and past DMR users may want to try reprocessing their favorite images in Capture One Version 7 or Lightroom 4.


Here are a couple examples of the DMR using the Nodal point method.







Edited by robsteve
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