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Hi there, its my first post - thus as a newby, first a kind "hello" in the forum :rolleyes:


Today was a golden autumn day in Germany, I took my D-LUX 5 and went out shooting. Its the first time I took my time to try shooting in A or S mode, not in P Mode. Now, I have weird Problem to understand the cameras behaviour or in other words - ist it a bug or a feature?


* P Mode does great job - but lets say I want to create some bokeh

* change to A and open Aperture


Result => all possible combinations of shutterspeed and aperture, regardless of using S or A mode are giving too light images (overexposed). Coming from classic film - I just do not understand it. Furthermore - the control display shows a correct live-preview before shooting in A or S. Once shot - the image is overexposed (+/- is set zero).


Could any one confirm this please? The camera was in the Leica Service few months ago (problem with the zoom lever), I noted this behaviour before but ignored by using P mode.


Lots of thanks in advance for any help.



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Have you checked that the ISO isn't set very high in A and S modes where in the 'dummy' modes it is set for you? Or do you have a massive amount of exposure compensation dialled in that you forgot about in A and S modes? If you can't work it out try resetting the camera back to the default settings, these things are usually about a setting that you forgot about that needs to be cleared.



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