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Sorry but i do not understand what some of you guys do to your Leica MM files, don't get me wrong this has nothing to do with the pictures/motifs, just their technical quality. Since i have been using this camera for some time now I am really surprised over what some of you guys get from this camera, i do not think i could get this bad quality even from my iPhone's camera, i'm i missing something here...what do you do to these files...? (i really have to ask since I get really high quality images from mine with just a simple brightness/contrast adjustment)


I will post an example of what i'm getting form my MM, hope you don't mind?


ISO 10.000

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If you never worked in a darkroom, or worked with a neg from a drum scanner to generate a full tonal range, albeit flat file, I suspect someone new to the Monochrom might struggle for awhile. Just my two cents from some of the RAW files I have seen.

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Thanks :D those images are straight from the SD card. I don't have a laptop at the moment so just plug the camera into an AirPort Extreme and got the images.


Atufte: what did you do to your to make them look good? I have done absolutely nothing to mine.


I see purple/blue on the last one too. I used that strong cool setting from the menu.



A question for all: what kind of photo editing program's can I get on an iPad?

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Jeff is correct. These files must be processed like a finely exposed negative. Assuming it is finely exposed.


If you underexpose by half a stop, the MM files can be treated like any other raw file, but you will have the benefit to be able to pull the shadows at least two stop more than the M9, which makes a MM very similar to my Tri-X negs....which again translates into the perfect starting point for a good b&w picture (at least for me)...

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