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m lens are know to be sharp wide open, but at 5.6 the 50mm lux is noticeably sharper in prints then at 1.4 even at center and not just edges.


not pixel peeping etc. i know this is nothing new, but stopping down 2-3 does improve printed sharpness and details at center.


i thought the increased sharpness gained by stopping down would only be for pixel peeping, but i guess some old rules never change.

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most modern Leica lens usually peak at f/5.6. though the improvement is nothing too dramatic comparing to canikon lens and the likes. at f/8, it is still extremely sharp, but not at good due to diffraction (i personally have never see any difference bet. 5.6 and 8 though)

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m lens are know to be sharp wide open,


Yes, generally speaking sharp compared with other manufacturers lenses. This is what you pay for. But the maximum sharpness always comes somewhere the f/4 to f/8 region for almost any lens.



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