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I was wondering how long you guys waited for your new leica lens or camera to arrive after it was ordered? Was it a long, agonising wait, or was it surprisingly short? Are you still waiting? At times did you forget about your order....... ?


I dont wish to complain, but would like to express a little tonge-in-cheek frustration: I'm feeling sorry for myself for having waited 15 weeks for a new MP, which is currently "in production", apparently:eek::):confused::rolleyes:

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I waited a couple of months for my M8. I waited from Sept 9, 2009 to the end of November for my M9 (and I was one of the lucky ones). I am going to wait from last month to January at the earliest for an 'M". I also waited 6 months for a 35mm Summilux FLE.


Not only Leica. I waited from February to May this year for a Nikon D800E.


No, I've not forgotten about any of the orders. Was it frustrating? Yes, sometimes, but in the grand scheme of things if your biggest problem is that a $$ multi-thousands camera is late to get into your hands, you are in pretty good shape.


At the same time, 15 weeks is a long time for a camera that is already in production. I don't quite understand why yours is so delayed.

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When I was in the 8th grade I ordered a Miranda Sonsomat out of the back of a magazine from a camera store in New Jersey. They said to allow 6-8 weeks shipping. I got off the school bus every day for 11-weeks and checked our mailbox until one day it had arrived.


Although, I have waited much longer than that for Leica gear, the Miranda seemed by far and away the longest wait I have ever experienced.

Edited by RickLeica
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The longest I ever waited was for a Leica MP that I pre-ordered long before they were released then forgot about, it must have been two months wait. It was so long that I had changed camera systems in the meantime and didn't use the MP for nearly eight years! The second longest wait was for an M9 body, quoted as maybe two months but it came in two weeks, third longest was a 50mm Summilux, quoted as six months and arrived at the dealer in six days. The rest has been off the shelf.



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Well in one sense, I won't wait. I am more than willing to use a used 50 cron, while waiting for my 50 lux. I used my M8 until I got my M9. I will use my M9...


I don't think of time, just my next shot, if I don't have the lens to get that shot, I change my perspective.


But on the other hand, I am still waiting for a 35mm Noctilux ;)

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I waited 5 months for an AA75. In the end I gave up and cancelled the order. If I could go that long without it I decided I could go without it altogether.


Decided to spend my money to upgrade from 35/2 to 35/1.4 instead. (still waiting for the latter, though...)

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About eighteen months ago I bought a Leica M9 and had to wait 24 hours for the "next day" delivery by mail. Shortly after that I ordered a Summilux 50mm Asph and it took two weeks to arrive. I do not have a local Leica dealer so I phone to check the delivery time before ordering.

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Given that it was a while back I don't know if this counts or not but here is my story. The last time I bought a new M lens was in August of 2008 - it was one of the last f/1.0 Noctilux lenses available. Somehow I had to wait less than three weeks.


I can't recommend Camera West ( Fine New & Used Cameras & Photo Equipment | Camera West - Walnut Creek, California and Rancho Mirage, CA ) highly enough. :)

Edited by Messsucherkamera
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Sometimes waiting and not obtaining the item is not bad. In my case where I did receive the Summilux I could put that money towards the new M which appears to be everything I would want, providing the ISO is better, then I could use my Summicrons. I was never terribly fond of f1.4 anyway. Now I will wait for the M reviews.

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