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Which one? However, optically there are absolutely no differences!



I keep seeing 90s that are labeled "Leitz Canada" and they have a different hood design, I think, than the ones labeled "E55," which presumably were made in Germany. I believe these are all E55s, though, from an optical design standpoint. I think the only optical change was when they went to E60. I just want to make sure I have this correct.

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I keep seeing 90s that are labeled "Leitz Canada" and they have a different hood design, I think, than the ones labeled "E55," which presumably were made in Germany. I believe these are all E55s, though, from an optical design standpoint. I think the only optical change was when they went to E60. I just want to make sure I have this correct.


My "E55" was made in Canada.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I keep seeing 90s that are labeled "Leitz Canada" and they have a different hood design, I think, than the ones labeled "E55," which presumably were made in Germany. I believe these are all E55s, though, from an optical design standpoint. I think the only optical change was when they went to E60. I just want to make sure I have this correct.


The non-APO 90mm Summicron-R was made originally as a 2-cam lens with 2-piece hood using Series VII filters, secondly as a 3-cam lens with 2-piece hood and Series VII filters, then as a 3-cam E55 lens with 2-piece hood, and last as a 3-cam E55 lens with 1-piece hood. As far as I know there were no optical changes before the E60 (APO) version.

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last as a 3-cam E55 lens with 1-piece hood.


Hm, my E55 1-piece hood is an R-only. I also wondered if there where any optical changes... it sure seemed lighter and more compact than the earlier versions I'd seen, but this of course can just be the mount.



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