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my m9 is abused on the regular. its used to earn a living, shouldered daily, sits on the floor of cars, airplanes, get wets, dusty. . etc. great machine except its now on its 5th sensor, thats 5 sensors in 20 months. all of which despite the aforementioned abuse was caused by the a dead pixel line. its currently being repaired for this and the coating is dissipating from the sensors glass they say, crazy talk. ive read about this dead pixel like we all have endless times... on the m8, m9, m9-p and now even the mm and surely the m-e. so its a very common problem with the sensor build, common enough for me to think that ones sensor wont last even 2-3 years if not 4 months. so. . .how long after the warranty will leica keep fixing for free do you reckon? id love to get a monochrom but crikey! it makes me nervous. im stoked for the m for a new sensor is a god send but i boy do i love how that broken ass ccd shines when the light is right.

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my m9 is abused on the regular. its used to earn a living, shouldered daily, sits on the floor of cars, airplanes, get wets, dusty. . etc. great machine except its now on its 5th sensor, thats 5 sensors in 20 months. all of which despite the aforementioned abuse was caused by the a dead pixel line. its currently being repaired for this and the coating is dissipating from the sensors glass they say, crazy talk. ive read about this dead pixel like we all have endless times... on the m8, m9, m9-p and now even the mm and surely the m-e. so its a very common problem with the sensor build, common enough for me to think that ones sensor wont last even 2-3 years if not 4 months. so. . .how long after the warranty will leica keep fixing for free do you reckon? id love to get a monochrom but crikey! it makes me nervous. im stoked for the m for a new sensor is a god send but i boy do i love how that broken ass ccd shines when the light is right.


so great yours gets used so much..5 sensors in twenty months? wow.


As I've posted I do have a problem with my new Monochrome with the same line problem I've read about on M9's and M8's.. I never had a problem with my M9.


I'm afraid to ask how much a new sensor for an M9 or MM will cost..


Curious how many shutter actuations you have on your camera?

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Dead pixels are not a speciality of the M8s and M9s. All sensors are prone to develop dead and stuck pixels over time. There are claims in the internet that dead pixels occur more often a high altitudes, such as those reached by planes.


Isolated (single) dead pixels usually are fixed by telling the processor in the camera to ignore them. It's called "mapping". In some cameras there's an option for the customer to do this by himself. The M8s and M9s do not offer that function.

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I recently had to have my M9 sensor replaced (within warranty) and they quoted the price of 350 euros for the repair if it was outside of warranty. I am not sure what the fault they detected was and if a different fault would cost less (are there parts of the sensor that can be salvaged and re-used?). Mine M9 just clocked 39,000 frames (it was between 37,000- and 38,000 before the sensor replacement). Cheers, KM

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they quoted the price of 350 euros for the repair if it was outside of warranty. I am not sure what the fault they detected was and if a different fault would cost less


I suspect that €350 might just be for remapping the sensor. A sensor replacement would, I think, cost much more – certainly in excess of €1000.

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For what it is worth. I had my M9 given to the Belgian importer for sensor cleaning as I simply was unable to get it clean this time. They also failed and send the camera to Solms, where they discoved that the coating had dissipated from the sensors glass in a corner (I had not noticed that). They replaced the sensor for free although the camera was bought in December 2009 and thus no longer under warranty.

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I recently had to have my M9 sensor replaced (within warranty) and they quoted the price of 350 euros for the repair if it was outside of warranty. I am not sure what the fault they detected was and if a different fault would cost less (are there parts of the sensor that can be salvaged and re-used?). Mine M9 just clocked 39,000 frames (it was between 37,000- and 38,000 before the sensor replacement). Cheers, KM


Wow, a bargain. I just bought a new non-black M8 floorplate and the tariff was $350USD. ron

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i took a long time for the first dead pixel, over a year. the next one (different spot) occurred several months later. my perception is that the repair was on the sensor or the mapping but not a new sensor. right now i notice the shutter gets stuck once in a while. what i suspect is that these machines may look like a lifetime purchase but they aren't. i am truly thinking about cashing in the m9 for some (one?) lens and the x2 and use my m4 as the main camera and x2 when i need a quality digital. thinking about it . . . . . .

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my m9 is abused on the regular. its used to earn a living, shouldered daily, sits on the floor of cars, airplanes, get wets, dusty. . etc. great machine except its now on its 5th sensor, thats 5 sensors in 20 months.....

GLC, with your reported rate and style of usage of your M9, why not adopt a policy of replacing/upgrading it, say, annually, much like heavy users of auto-mobiles?

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I just got a Monochrom, but before buying I got Leica to tell me how long they plan to support it for. They said ten years, which is not too bad for digital technology. Although for 6k I still think it should be until the day I die.



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I just got a Monochrom, but before buying I got Leica to tell me how long they plan to support it for. They said ten years, which is not too bad for digital technology. Although for 6k I still think it should be until the day I die.




My leica shoots b&w and WILL last a lifetime: its an MP!!! BTW, it also shoots the occasional roll of color film, too......

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  • 6 months later...

I have had dead pixels emerge twice. After flying about 6 hours. Always take my M4 along. In daylight I prefer the Portra 160 anyway. But Leica fixed it both times no problem no cost. Drove it out to NJ.

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There is a secret number of dead pixel repairs the engineers will allow. Much like how many tire puncture repairs are tolerated. After that they replace it.


A recent repair for a "line" was $450 and some CLA was included.


Since every other camera has built in corrections, suppose they are building in service issues ?

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