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Hi there...

I've recently received my brand new M-E and after shooting DSLR for a while it is a fascinating new world that's opening up to me... I hope that I'll be up to the task ;-)


After doing still life, landscapes and Urbex shots i've found the world of portrait and street photography to be the most rewarding to me... Now I hope that my M-E will help me improve my way of seeing, experiencing and feeling the world around me. I'm well aware that the best Camera in the world is only as good as the one behind it, but I'm eager to learn and I've been looking forward to owning an M for a long time...

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Welcome to the forum! Feel free to browse around the sub-forums and contribute as you wish. There is a lot of information here, and people willing to help.


Looking forward to your posting pictures soon!



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  • 2 weeks later...

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Hi there...

I've recently received my brand new M-E and after shooting DSLR for a while it is a fascinating new world that's opening up to me... I hope that I'll be up to the task ;-)


Welcome! I wish I were new, which is to say that having 'new eyes' is a great advantage, and certainly something for which to be happy.


Good luck to you and stay in touch with the rest of us.


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