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On Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles. Since Thursday night, the shuttle Endeavour is traveling from the airport to its permanent home in the Science Museum (12 mile trek) through the streets of Los Angeles.

It is traveling about 2 miles per hour and it will probably get to its destination later tonight (it was way behind schedule this afternoon).


These are some selections from what I've witnessed today, while I waited to see the shuttle on Crenshaw near Stocker.

It was a grand adventure. (M8/Zeiss 21 Biogon)











Traffic lights protruding over the street were taken down so that the shuttle could fit through the street. The kids loved playing with this one!





Crenshaw High School Band and cheerleaders





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colonel, Kurt, K.-H. and Paul, (and all the thumbs up),


Thank you for looking in and for sharing my excitement with this very unique event. It was indeed like an endless street party (because the shuttle was delayed so long), and a great community gathering where I met a lot of interesting people and had extended conversations from politics to the future of the space program.


The undertaking seemed enormous. The city spent days preparing the roads by removing mature trees (the museum promised to replace every removed tree with 2 new ones), temporarily removing street light fixtures, moving all power lines to a high enough position so that the shuttle could pass under them, and fortifying some parts of the travel route by installing steel plates. Despite all that advance work, there were still obstacles to be found along the way, and there was a large tree cutting crew directly in front of the shuttle, still having to shave off the street side branches so that the wings could fit through. It was surreal at times. There are a lot of funny looking magnolia trees along Crenshaw Blvd now.


Here is a picture of the tree crew:





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Charles and Stuart,


Thank you! Your feedback is much appreciated.


Stuart, the kids were playing with a traffic signal light (one of many) that was taken down to make way for the shuttle.





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