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I've been using Backblaze for some time now - (was) much cheaper than Amazon, and while cloud storage may be something that can evaporate when you need it most :eek:, I've had no cause as yet to doubt them.


I kind of agree with Philip, but I concluded one of the backup drives needs to be off site in case of fire, and cloud storage just seemed easier to manage and keep up to date than a drive in a bank vault or whatever.


Fingers crossed...



Edited by Jim-St
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I've been using Backblaze for some time now - (was) much cheaper than Amazon, and while cloud storage may be something that can evaporate when you need it most :eek:, I've had no cause as yet to doubt them.


I kind of agree with Philip, but I concluded one of the backup drives needs to be off site in case of fire, and cloud storage just seemed easier to manage and keep up to date than a drive in a bank vault or whatever.


Fingers crossed...




An offsite backup is naturally very safe and if backup can be automated over the internet then simplicity of operation is added, too.


My concern is just that it seems complicated to have very large image files and a multi-100GB library synchronise across the internet. Of course, it may very well be useful and possible so I defer to better knowledge and experience.


I normally don't have any problems with cloud storage; I have all my emails since the mid-90s in Google's servers and only use web-based access because I never saw the need to download messages to my computers.

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Its all subjective, but since I'm simply a hobbyist, keeping multiple disks updated and in rotation - and keep one offsite - is more effort than I'm prepared to go through when cloud storage is affordable. We all have our own comfort levels though and differences on what we're prepared to spend. To be honest my film negs is more of a concern!

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i have separate drives with all the files, but in the past year i simply save the sd card in a little pelican case. expensive, i suppose, but these cards can't be overwritten forever anyway, so i have nice stack of negatives,slides, and sd cards, all which will disappear when i am gone but who cares about that.....

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I use Smugmug and Smugvault for RAW flies. This is powered by Amazon.. It is very important to use a company that is going o be around for a long time.

Many went under in the financial crisis.. You will spend a lot of time backing up to these services so you do not want to have to start all over again.

I also have redundant Drives.

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