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Leica M8 vs Upgraded / M8.2 / M9 clocking motor noise ("Shutter sound")

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I own a Leica M8 which is too loud for silent recordings (theatre, concert, ...).


Currently I am working on building a blimp for it. I reduced most of the noise above 2.5 kHz and almost all above 4 kHz. But I still have a peak at 1 kHz. And I still can feel the vibration during cocking / rewinding the shutter.


As I know years ago Leica offered a shutter upgrade (they no longer do). And the newer shutter and the new motor should be much quieter.


If anyone of you have a not upgraded Leica M8 AND an Upgraded / M8.2 or M9... Could you record a comparison under the same conditions (the camera hold in Hand to not let the table standing on it vibrate too) with discrete shutter mode and a short delay between shutter exposure and rewind to seperate those sound?


This would be a little help for me. And maybe interesting for others.


(Here you find a recording of an opened Leica M8 shutter and rewind:

Leica M8 shutter cocking lever with motor sound - YouTube)




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While the initial shutter sound may be marginally improved (in the M8u, M8.2 or M9), the motor re-cock sound is essentially the same, and that's the biggest annoyance IMO. The discreet setting only delays the inevitable. The initial shutter sound of the M8.2 is very marginally quieter than on the M9 (although each camera may vary slightly) based on an informal test of 3 cameras at my local Leica dealer a few years ago.


Only the new M seems to offer significant improvement (audio on Thorsten Overgaard video with Stefan Daniel), which of course awaits personal testing after production models released.



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Thats interesting! Thanks for your comment.


According to this graphic even the clocking should differe a little. I assume a little less vibration. Not much difference, but a little compared in a quiet environmant.


But I have not found a recording to this graphic.

For this reason a recorded wave file or video would be interesting.

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