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The use of Auto ISO does carry the risk of introducing noise when none is wanted. So if you are in manual mode, it is easy to make exposure adjustments while STILL retaining your chosen ISO and acceptable noise risk..

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the auto-iso is grayed out in manual mode because if you had it on, your manual won't be manual, and your 'manual' exposure will change as the camera will change the iso to 'what it thinks is right'


an easy example would be if you're shooting against a bright overcast sky. most likely your photo is going to be underexposed.

let's say the camera gives u 1/250 f5.6 iso100

so you say, 'hey that's too dark, my subject is underexp' then u manually change the setting to 1/60 f5.6 'auto-iso'

when you take the shot, woi-la, your shot is still under exposed, b/c now the camera uses it metering to what it thinks is 'correct' so u get something like 1/60 f5.6 iso400

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