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Also I remember reading that in some of the Ms at photokina in Cologne the memory cards were hard wired in, so couldn't be removed. It looks to me it will be awhile before image files will become available to judge the performance of a production M.

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Even mechanically the cameras at photokina were prototypes. My sample did not manage to show the correct framelines.


I am very interested in this camera (especially after having switched external finders very often today).



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M isn't yet in the marketplace, and the few "demo" items are surely at beta level on firmware : not yet time to compare files, even if someone has had the opportunity to save some.


Luigi, I'm sure that Leica has put demos in the hands of various folks for testing. Given such a radical shift in design & purpose, there MUST be files/images out there. Open they become public soon.

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Luigi, I'm sure that Leica has put demos in the hands of various folks for testing. Given such a radical shift in design & purpose, there MUST be files/images out there.

Probably, but you won’t get to see those. And what would be the use of analysing pictures from a camera that isn’t finished yet?

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I recently got my mm.

Not much testing yet but for me the perfect kit. I've kept one m9.

So far the low light ability is beyond my wildest dreams. The files are even more robust than the m9 but of course the amount of pp has decreased as well. Aesthetically the most beautiful camera I've owned. Ha.

I am hoping to print a large one soon.

I have no need for video, r lenses or live view so the m is not in my future. At least not til my m9 dies.

I suspect with CMOS sensor it is possible that the feared dead pixel columns may not be as much an issue as with the ccd sensors. My uneducated guess.

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I suspect with CMOS sensor it is possible that the feared dead pixel columns may not be as much an issue as with the ccd sensors. My uneducated guess.

Due to the way CMOS sensors are read out, you can be certain of that.

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Reagadles of the finer points of the great sensor debates: is it ultimately quite likely that the images from the new M will be superior at base ISO to those of the M9? is it safe to assume that whatever the shortcomings of the CMOS sensor- the advances in technology, more pixels, better processor, etc, etc, will equal a (more or less) better output?

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