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Better high ISO by cropping?

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I've just read an interesting article on the Nikon Rumors Site which compares the new D800 to the D3s and D7000 when cropped. It suggests that it is possible to extend the ISO range of the D800 by using it in say an APSC mode.


While I am currently an M8 user and would not fancy reducing my file size, I will of course move to an M9 in the future. So I was wondering if anyone uses this technique to get a bit extra from the M9 when needs must?




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Umm no, just the opposite. If you crop and then enlarge more to get the same print size you magnify the noise.


If you try this with an M8 and M9 you will be disappointed.


Edit: I’ve just looked at this rather amateurish writing. Where did you find this amazing snippet?

Edited by jaapv
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If you go to Photo Rumors and then Nikon Rumors you will find the article.


The first part talks about down sampling and then it goes on to look at working in DX mode.


I have not checked but I'm guessing it will not be possible to do the same with the M9 as the DX mode is probably still RAW.


All looks a bit counter intuitive but the results they give look convincing.




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What you do by downsampling is averaging pixels and trading in fine detail. Obviously that will reduce apparent noise. However, if you do this during post processing you will be losing image quality. And as you resize for print at the end of post processing anyway, which can be done very conveniently by the cropping tool ( I find it is the best way too) you will be applying this technique automatically.

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