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LR 4.1 Release Candidate...

Guest WPalank

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I installed it today and they have fixed the bug that prevented the 'edit in' from opening an external add-on such as Silver Efex Pro 2. With LR 4 I had to install a trial copy of CS5 for this to work, I have now uninstalled CS5 and the 'edit in' still works. 4.1 RC may be a little faster but I haven't done any comparisons as 4.1 overwrites 4.0.


I run an Early 2008 dual quad core Mac Pro with 10 GB of RAM.

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Guest WPalank

I've had one problem that most people may not notice and it involves the Nik software.


With LR4.1 Release Candidate, when sending the file to Edit in Color Efex Pro 4 "Editing a Copy with Lightroom Adjustments", the dialogue keeps defaulting to "sRGB" even though I keep setting "ProPhoto RGB" in Preferences. I think most users won't even know because you have to downtick the box "Copy File Options" to see.


Is anyone else having the problem?

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i'm not an expert but i had no problem running Silver Efx editing from LR4 under 10.6.8 with CS5 installed. Later, i found out that some people were having problems because CS5 wasn't installed but if you download the NIK upgrade for SEP 2.004 it should be fixed.


Concerning the colorspace, i did notice the same that the space was set at sRGB when choosing Edit in SEP2. So, i wrote to NIK customer support and i asked them why it was their default when we were choosing "Edit in SEP2". They answered me that it wasn't them but probably Adobe choice.

I modified it in the pref and now use the "Edit in SEP2..." instead of "SEP2" and the color space remains where it was set up.

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Guest WPalank


I kept changing the values (back to 300 ppi and ProPhoto) but they would always revert back to 240/sRGB.

After inputing the new values (again) the dropdown box changes to "Nik ColorEfex Pro (edit)".

The trick is to use the same dropdown again and then select "Update Preset" (choice near the bottom). I never knew that selection existed as my Nik Products were always in the ProPhoto space. Phewwwwww.....


I always thought that inputing new values and closing the box would save them.


Thanks for your reply.

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