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Matador Practice


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IIIF Summitar 50 1:2

Well, here is my first (legitimate photo) post. Let the viewer beware. Caveat: I have no training as a photographer and no software to manipulate the photos:(

Thanks A LOT for looking..


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Jonathan -


The second is more successful than the first due to the more dramatic, stiff yet graceful position. It is quite good. It could be stronger still if you cropped much of what's behind the matador-in-training. Also, be very careful in the darkroom to get every bit of dust off the film carrier and the negative.

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Thanks Stuart...unfortunately, I have no darkroom in which to play.:( I have, instead, a corner store that develops my film and puts the photos on cd for 12,000 pesos. One day...one day. I agree with you about the cropping (now that you mention it) and when I get a computer of my own I'll try out your suggestion.

Thanks again.


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