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Today's Walk To Walk!


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Hi All,


Below are three images I snatched with my D-Lux 2 whilst I was late for work in the 'Parc de Bruxelles' in Brussels this morning.


This is the first snow we have had this winter to mention and by the time I left in the evening it had all melted.


Any comments and advice, as always is very much welcome.


Thank you for looking!

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nice shots - the second one especially. I think they'd benefit from the extra punch given by adjusting the levels somewhat. I think they've come out a little grey due to the snow.

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Edward -


I very much like the effect of the airborne snow as it builds on itself the farther into the image you look, adding appealing depth. I'm not sure John's suggestion of punching it up a bit will work (it may conflict with the effect I cite above), but it is worth a try. What the heck, I'll try it myself. Now that I've done it I'm not sure which I prefer -- they both have their own strengths.

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Edward, I like the darker trees also, but if you scroll back and forth between the two images the snow effect is lessened in the altered b&w image. Particularly on the left side. Just my opinion. Looking at your shots remind me of why I live at the beach!

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