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El Patriota


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This picture is from the same day the Kings of Spain visited Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


I saw this guy in the crowd, I modified and cropped the pic in CS2. (quick work, expert will tell me how to better this)


The camera is a Panasonic FZ30 some noise appears I had to use Digital zoom to get close enough to the guy who was about 150m away from my window.

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Eric -


What process did you follow to do this?

I used the magnetic selector to slect the man and flag, feather 5 pixels, invert selection. Then I had everyhting slected but the man, went to the the color saturation etc. to make it black and white, then used contrast tuning to make it a bit more contrasty. then sharpened the whole picture and finaly saved as web to publish it here.

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I like the original crop better. The crowd, including the lady hiding behind the notebook, is what makes the picture for me. Many varied faces to dwell on. I do find the colorization a bit distracting, and feel it would be better in all BW or all color. The BW looks stronger to me.


You lasso technique is fine, but lasso is not very precise. You can see the irregularities on his left shoulder and top of head. Another option is to lasso him with a slightly larger margin, copy him to a new layer, convert the background to BW, and then use the eraser to trim the excess around him. Of course, if you use a graphics tablet, this will be much easier and more precise.



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