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a 43 year old lens meets a contemporary camera


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Well the image that was there had a very quirky feel and I 'd say the print would be interesting.

Some of those images by Salcido your site are impressive indeed

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Nice shot whatever the lens.


I look some shots with my M8 and 1930s Summar last weekend. Lesson learned was that lenses are much better these days :-). After saying that it was better than I expected, resolution centre frame wasn't too bad, but very low contrast and the colours weren't that great. An interesting exercise none the less, and there is something strange about using old lenses such as the one above and my Summar with something as modern as the M8.

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You guys are killin' me.


Couple quick comments... more later on the print made from this image.


Nice pear. Is that a nipple ring making those strange little circles in that area?



has a sort of "Camera Work" feel to it.

Someone else mentioned that just the other day. That wasn't my intention but that wort has had an impact on me. I must admit I'm an admirer of Stieglitz and all the Camera Work images.

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