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Pere Tahere


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It was Waitangi day in New Zealand on Tuesday. It is the day that marks the Treaty of Waitangi between the Maori and the Crown. This is Pere Tahere, a maori warrior who performed a challenge to the Maori King, to welcome him onto the Marae. I was lucky enough to be invited onto the Marae to photograph the ceremonies to open a new Whare Kai (eating house) It was a very special occasion, especially to have the king present, an amazing experience.


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Steph -


Very lucky to be invited, indeed! I assume this is at the Bay of Islands, probably near the treaty house. Terrific catch, and the warrior's stance is fascinating. I'm of two minds regarding the crop. On the one hand I'd like to see it cropped to isolate Pere Tahere. On the other hand since the people in the shot are also Maori, and you have included some of the Maori carving on the building the full shot seems at least as valid, and probably more so. Excellent framing and the strong North island sun adds to Pere Tahere's fierce pose.


Years ago, when I read first the plaque commemorating the ceding of the North, South and Stewart Islands to the Crown in exchange for the protection of the Crown I naively though the only protection the Maori needed was from the Crown. Then I remembered in those days of exploration, discovery and conquest, the Crown protected the Islands from the other European nations' forces.

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Thanks for the kind words Stuart, and you are up on New Zealand history, not many can boast that.

I was also unsure about the cropping, I wanted to include all the people to give more of an overview to the ceremonies, and did get a few close ups of Pere.

like this one........M6 35mm (the scans are pretty crappy, low res)

(The event was just outside Dargaville at Oturei Marae..........)

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