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If you’ve been following my photos for PNG children it might strike you as unusual that this boy is frowning – and I have no idea why. I framed him very tightly partly because he was so close to me, and partly because the crowds of children wouldn’t otherwise let me get a shot of just him. A bunch more PNG kids photos are on the Papua New Guinea photo galleries on our site.

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Great portrait and series (love your travel galleries). I interpret his expression as utter fascination (or concentration) rather than a frown; there's a deep inquisitiveness in his eyes.




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Robert - Thank you. I hope the stuff on his ears is just some dried clay from the riverbank. Many of these Sepik region people were malnourished, living on a mainly carbohydrate diet derived from the sego palm -- details of how they produce the stuff if you like. the river is teaming with fish, but the separate clans/tribes are very territorial, so some go without that source of protein.


Henry - Thank you. I had never considered that he might just be fascinated. Could well be.

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